Public Class PropertyChartEngineBar2D Inherits PropertyChartEngineBarBase
public class PropertyChartEngineBar2D : PropertyChartEngineBarBase
public ref class PropertyChartEngineBar2D : public PropertyChartEngineBarBase
Diese Klasse stellt ein 2D Balken-Diagramm dar. Hier stehen nur zwei Achsen zur Verfügung.
Beispiel: Gesamtumsatz über die Monate oder Produktgruppen.
Public Class PropertyChartEngineBar2D Inherits PropertyChartEngineBarBase
public class PropertyChartEngineBar2D : PropertyChartEngineBarBase
public ref class PropertyChartEngineBar2D : public PropertyChartEngineBarBase
// add bar chart to container and assign name SubItemChart chartBar = new SubItemChart(LlChartType.Bar2D, container.SubItems); chartBar.Name = "2D bar chart"; //pass source table path chartBar.SourceTablePath = "Employees.Orders(Employees2Orders).Order_Details(Orders2Order Details)"; //access chart engine PropertyChartEngineBar2D engineBar = (PropertyChartEngineBar2D)chartBar.Definition.ChartEngine; //set data source properties engineBar.XAxis.Contents = "Employees.LastName + \", \" + Employees.FirstName"; engineBar.YAxes[0].Value = "Order_Details.UnitPrice*Order_Details.Quantity"; engineBar.YAxes[0].CoordinateLabelOnObject.Placement = "1"; //set chart title chartBar.Definition.Title.Contents = "\"2D bar chart\""; //format legend PropertyOutputFormatterCurrency currBar = new PropertyOutputFormatterCurrency(engineBar.ZAxes[0].CoordinateLabelOnObject.OutputFormatter); //set two decimals currBar.CountOfDecimals = "2";
Plattformen: Windows 10 (Version 21H2 - 22H2), Windows 11 (21H2 - 23H2), Windows Server 2016 - 2022
.NET: .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6, .NET 8, .NET 9