- hStg
The handle returned by LlStgsysStorageOpen
- hDC
DC in which to print (usually a printer or screen device). Can be null (see below).
- hPrnDC
Reference DC which can be used to get the unprintable area etc. For a screen DC, this is the (default) printer DC, for a printer DC it is the same as hDC above. Can be null (See below).
- askPrinter
Value Meaning true the user will be asked
false the default printer will be used.
- rect
Points to a RECT structure containing the device coordinates in which to print. If this is null, the printer.s values will be used. Must not be null when printing to a non-printer DC!
- pageIndex
Page index
- fit
Value Meaning true Defines that the print should be fit into the area
false the original size should be kept