public enum LlProjectParameter : System.Enum
public enum class LlProjectParameter : public System.Enum
Public Enum LlProjectParameter Inherits System.Enum
Member | Description |
ActiveLayout | Parameter "LL.ActiveLayout" to define the active design area (page layout). |
FaxQueue | Parameter "LL.FAX.Queue" to define the name of the fax printer for sending fax. |
FaxRecipName | Parameter "LL.FAX.RecipName" to define the name of the addressee for sending fax. |
FaxRecipNumber | Parameter "LL.FAX.RecipNumber" to define the number of the addressee for sending fax. |
FaxSenderBillingCode | Parameter "LL.FAX.SenderBillingCode" to define the sender billing code for sending fax. |
FaxSenderCompany | Parameter "LL.FAX.SenderCompany" to define the company name of the sender for sending fax. |
FaxSenderDepartment | Parameter "LL.FAX.SenderDepartment" to define the department of the sender for sending fax. |
FaxSenderName | Parameter "LL.FAX.SenderName" to define the name of the sender for sending fax. |
IssueCount | Parameter "LL.IssueCount" to define the number of issues. |
LabelCopyCount | |
MailBCC | Parameter "LL.MAIL.BCC" to define BCC addressee(s) for e-mails. Multiple addressees are separated by semicolon (;). |
MailCC | Parameter "LL.MAIL.CC" to define CC addressee(s) for e-mails. Multiple addressees are separated by semicolon (;). |
MailFrom | Parameter "LL.MAIL.From" to define the sender for e-mails. |
MailReplyTo | Parameter "LL.MAIL.ReplyTo" to define the reply address for e-mails. |
MailSubject | Parameter "LL.MAIL.Subject" to define the subject for e-mails. |
MailTo | Parameter "LL.MAIL.To" to define the addressees(s) for e-mails. Multiple addressees are separated by semicolon (;). |
MinPageCount | Parameter "LL.MinPageCount" to define the minimum number of pages to print. |
MultiPassCondition | |
MultiPassCount | |
PageCondition | Parameter "LL.PageCondition" to define the page display condition for the issue print. Only available if IssueCount > 1. |
PageWrapCondition | |
PrintJobLanguage | Parameter "LL.PrintJobLCID" to define the language for printing. |
ProjectDescription | Parameter "LL.ProjectDescription" to define the project description. |
SaveAsFilename | Parameter "SaveAs.Filename" to define the output file name for the automatic saving. |
SaveAsFormat | Parameter "SaveAs.Format" to define the desired output format (e.g. "XML") for the automatic saving. |
SaveAsNoSaveQuery | Parameter "SaveAs.NoSaveQuery" to define for the automatic saving if the query for saving a file when closing the preview is to be suppressed. |
SaveAsShowDialog | Parameter "SaveAs.ShowDialog" to define for the automatic saving if the save dialog is turned on ("1") or off ("2"). |
SaveAsShowResult | |
SingleFileDrilldown | Parameter "LL.EmbedDrilldownReports" to define if Drilldown reports will be embedded. |
SlideShowXformID | Parameter "LL.SlideShow.TransformationID" to define the transformation for the presentation mode. |
SortOrderID |
If 'Formula' is set as project parameter type but a fixed value is to be used instead of a formula (e.g. an e-mail address is passed for the predefined project parameter "LL.MAIL.To" which is defined as 'Formula') then you have to mask the passed value as a string.
LL.ProjectParameters[LlProjectParameter.MailTo].Value = "\"\"";
Platforms: Windows 10 (Version 21H2 - 23H2), Windows 11 (21H2 - 22H2), Windows Server 2016 - 2022
.NET: .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6, .NET 8, .NET 9