combit List & Label 30 - .NET Help
combit.Reporting Namespace / LlProjectParameter Enumeration
Example Example

LlProjectParameter Enumeration
Enumeration of all predefined project parameters which can be set as the default in the Designer. Further information can be found in the ProjectParameters Class.
Public Enum LlProjectParameter 
   Inherits System.Enum
ActiveLayoutParameter "LL.ActiveLayout" to define the active design area (page layout).
FaxQueueParameter "LL.FAX.Queue" to define the name of the fax printer for sending fax.
FaxRecipNameParameter "LL.FAX.RecipName" to define the name of the addressee for sending fax.
FaxRecipNumberParameter "LL.FAX.RecipNumber" to define the number of the addressee for sending fax.
FaxSenderBillingCodeParameter "LL.FAX.SenderBillingCode" to define the sender billing code for sending fax.
FaxSenderCompanyParameter "LL.FAX.SenderCompany" to define the company name of the sender for sending fax.
FaxSenderDepartmentParameter "LL.FAX.SenderDepartment" to define the department of the sender for sending fax.
FaxSenderNameParameter "LL.FAX.SenderName" to define the name of the sender for sending fax.
IssueCountParameter "LL.IssueCount" to define the number of issues.
MailBCCParameter "LL.MAIL.BCC" to define BCC addressee(s) for e-mails. Multiple addressees are separated by semicolon (;).
MailCCParameter "LL.MAIL.CC" to define CC addressee(s) for e-mails. Multiple addressees are separated by semicolon (;).
MailFromParameter "LL.MAIL.From" to define the sender for e-mails.
MailReplyToParameter "LL.MAIL.ReplyTo" to define the reply address for e-mails.
MailSubjectParameter "LL.MAIL.Subject" to define the subject for e-mails.
MailToParameter "LL.MAIL.To" to define the addressees(s) for e-mails. Multiple addressees are separated by semicolon (;).
MinPageCountParameter "LL.MinPageCount" to define the minimum number of pages to print.
PageConditionParameter "LL.PageCondition" to define the page display condition for the issue print. Only available if IssueCount > 1.
PrintJobLanguageParameter "LL.PrintJobLCID" to define the language for printing.
ProjectDescriptionParameter "LL.ProjectDescription" to define the project description.
SaveAsFilenameParameter "SaveAs.Filename" to define the output file name for the automatic saving.
SaveAsFormatParameter "SaveAs.Format" to define the desired output format (e.g. "XML") for the automatic saving.
SaveAsNoSaveQueryParameter "SaveAs.NoSaveQuery" to define for the automatic saving if the query for saving a file when closing the preview is to be suppressed.
SaveAsShowDialogParameter "SaveAs.ShowDialog" to define for the automatic saving if the save dialog is turned on ("1") or off ("2").
SingleFileDrilldownParameter "LL.EmbedDrilldownReports" to define if Drilldown reports will be embedded.
SlideShowXformIDParameter "LL.SlideShow.TransformationID" to define the transformation for the presentation mode.

If 'Formula' is set as project parameter type but a fixed value is to be used instead of a formula (e.g. an e-mail address is passed for the predefined project parameter "LL.MAIL.To" which is defined as 'Formula') then you have to mask the passed value as a string.


LL.ProjectParameters[LlProjectParameter.MailTo].Value = "\"\"";

Below it is defined for the project that Drilldown reports will be embedded.
// Embed Drilldown reports
LL.ProjectParameters[LlProjectParameter.SingleFileDrilldown].Value = "True";

// Set German as print language
LL.ProjectParameters[LlProjectParameter.PrintJobLanguage].Value = "\"de\"";
' Embed Drilldown reports
LL.ProjectParameters(LlProjectParameter.SingleDrilldown).Value = "True"

' Set German as print language
LL.ProjectParameters(LlProjectParameter.PrintJobLanguage).Value = "'de'"
Inheritance Hierarchy



Platforms: Windows 10 (Version 21H2 - 23H2), Windows 11 (21H2 - 22H2), Windows Server 2016 - 2022
.NET: .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6, .NET 8, .NET 9

See Also