public enum LlError : System.Enum
public enum class LlError : public System.Enum
Public Enum LlError Inherits System.Enum
Enumeration of error codes. These are mapped to exceptions for this assembly.
Member | Description |
LL_ERR_ALREADY_PRINTING | LlPrintWithBoxStart() is not multitasking capable (it makes no sense to run several print jobs parallel, as Windows does not support the ABORTPROC in the printer driver (multitasking)). |
LL_ERR_BAD_DLLS | The DLLs required by List & Label are not on the required level. |
LL_ERR_BAD_EXPRESSION | New expression mode: an expression in LlExprEvaluate() could not be interpreted. |
LL_ERR_BAD_EXPRMODE | Unknown expression-mode in LlSetOption(). |
LL_ERR_BAD_JOBHANDLE | A function is called with a job handle not generated with LlJobOpen(). |
LL_ERR_BAD_MODE | Field functions were used although the project is not a list project. |
LL_ERR_BAD_OBJECTTYPE | An invalid type was passed to a function which requires the type of object as a parameter. Valid types: LlProject.Label, LlProject.List, LlProject.Card |
LL_ERR_BAD_PRINTER | LlPrintOptionsDialogTitle(): no printer available. |
LL_ERR_BAD_PROJECTTYPE | You tried to load a project whose project type isn't corresponding to the one set. |
LL_ERR_BADCODEPAGE | LL_OPTION_CODEPAGE: The code page is invalid (NLS not installed). |
LL_ERR_BADOBJNAME | LlPrintEnableObject(): the object name is not correct. |
LL_ERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL | Ll[G|S]etOptionString(),LlPrint[G|S]etOptionString(), ... A buffer passed to List & Label is not large enough for the data that should be stored in it. The data is not complete. |
LL_ERR_CANNOTCREATETEMPFILE | A temporary file could not be created |
LL_ERR_CFGBADFILE | LlPrint[WithBox]Start():Project file has the wrong format or is defective. |
LL_ERR_CFGBADMODE | LlPrint[WithBox]Start(), LlDefineLayout(): the expression mode of the project file the new mode, but the old mode is set (See LlSetOption()). |
LL_ERR_CFGNOTFOUND | LlPrint[WithBox]Start(): Project file not found. |
LL_ERR_EXCEPTION | A GPF happened inside a List & Label call. List & Label might be unstable. |
LL_ERR_EXPRESSION | LlPrint[WithBox]Start(): One of the Expressions used has an error. Use LlExprError() to find the error |
LL_ERR_NEEDS_VB | This DLL-version requires Visual Basic. |
LL_ERR_NO_BOX | LlPrintSetBoxText() was called and the print job was not opened with LlPrintWithBoxStart(). |
LL_ERR_NO_LANG_DLL | The required language-DLL was not found and a CM??L12@@.LNG is not available. |
LL_ERR_NO_MEMORY | Too less free memory |
LL_ERR_NO_OBJECT | LlPrint[WithBox]Start(): the project has no objects, and empty pages can be printed in another way! |
LL_ERR_NO_PREVIEWFILES | LlPreviewDisplay(): no preview-files found. |
LL_ERR_NO_PREVIEWMODE | Preview functions: no preview-mode is set. |
LL_ERR_NO_PRINTER | LlPrint[WithBox]Start(): Printer job could not be started as no printer device could be opened. |
LL_ERR_NO_PROJECT | LlPrint[WithBox]Start():there is no object with the given object name. Identical to LL_ERR_NO_OBJECT |
LL_ERR_NO_TABLE | No table object within the current project |
LL_ERR_NO_TABLEOBJECT | LlPrint[WithBox]Start(): No table in the list mode available. |
LL_ERR_NO_TEXTOBJECT | LlPrintGetTextCharsPrinted(): No text object in this project. |
LL_ERR_NOCHART | LlPrintDeclareChartRow(): No chart object within the project available. |
LL_ERR_NODESTINATION | List & Label has no valid print medium (see LL_OPTIONSTRING_EXPORTS_ALLOWED) |
LL_ERR_NOOBJECT | LlPrint[WithBox]Start(): the project has no objects |
LL_ERR_NOPRINTERCFG | LlPrintCopyPrinterConfiguration(): file not found or wrong format |
LL_ERR_NOT_YET_PRINTING | LlPrint[G|S]etOption[String](), LlPrintResetProjectState(). The print job has not started yet. |
LL_ERR_NOTFINISHED | One or more objects have not been completely printed. |
LL_ERR_NOVALIDPAGES | 16 bit StgAPI tries to read a 32 bit file |
LL_ERR_ONLYWITHONETABLE | This error code can only be returned if - in the list mode - the OneTable mode (LL_OPTION_ONLYONETABLE) is chosen, but more than one table is present when loading the project with LlPrint[WithBox]Start()(See LlSetOption()). |
LL_ERR_PARAMETER | null pointer as a parameter is not allowed, possibly also other parameter errors. Please use the debug mode to determine the error. |
LL_ERR_PRINTING | An error occurred during the print. |
LL_ERR_PRINTING_JOB | A print function was called although no print job had been started. |
LL_ERR_RESERVED | function not implemented yet |
LL_ERR_SAVEPRINTERCFG | LlPrintCopyPrinterConfiguration(): File write error (network rights allow writing/creation, disk full?) |
LL_ERR_STG_ACCESSDENIED | Storage has been opened with ReadOnly flag and cannot permit write access |
LL_ERR_STG_BADHANDLE | Bad parameter (invalid metafile handle) |
LL_ERR_STG_BADJOB | LlStgsysxxx(): job not found |
LL_ERR_STG_BADSTORAGE | Internal error in preview file, or empty file |
LL_ERR_STG_BADVERSION | The preview file has an invalid version number. |
LL_ERR_STG_CANNOTGETMETAFILE | LlStgsysDrawPage(): metafile could not be created (possibly defective preview file) |
LL_ERR_STG_ENDOFLIST | LlStgsysGetFilename(): page not found |
LL_ERR_STG_NOSTORAGE | The file is not a List & Label preview file |
LL_ERR_STG_READ | Error reading preview file |
LL_ERR_STG_UNKNOWNSYSTEM | Unknown preview file format for the storage system |
LL_ERR_STG_WRITE | Error writing preview file |
LL_ERR_TASK_ACTIVE | Only one designer window can be open for each application, you have tried to open a second window (only if hWnd in LlDefineLayout() is null). |
LL_ERR_UNKNOWN | LlPrintIsVariableUsed(), LlPrintIsFieldUsed(): the given variable does not exist. |
LL_ERR_UNKNOWNFIELD | The field given with LlGetFieldType() or LlGetFieldContents() was not defined. |
LL_ERR_UNKNOWNOBJECT | LlPrintEnableObject(): no object with this object name exists. |
LL_ERR_UNKNOWNSORTORDER | The sorting order given by the ID for the grouping functions was not defined. |
LL_ERR_UNKNOWNVARIABLE | The variable given with LlGetVariableType() or LlGetVariableContents() was not defined. |
LL_ERR_USER_ABORTED | The user aborted the print. |
LL_ERR_WIN32ONLY | A GPF has occurred within the function. List & Label could become unstable if you keep running. |
LL_WRN_REPEAT_DATA | This is just a hint: present data record did not fit onto the page. This return value is required to remind the programmer that he can, for example, bring the number of pages up to date. The record pointer may not be moved. |
Platforms: Windows 10 (Version 21H2 - 23H2), Windows 11 (21H2 - 22H2), Windows Server 2016 - 2022
.NET: .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6, .NET 8, .NET 9