public enum LlOption : System.Enum
public enum class LlOption : public System.Enum
Public Enum LlOption Inherits System.Enum
Member | Description | ||||||||||
AddVarsToFields | |||||||||||
AllowCombinedCollectingOfDataForCollectionControls | TRUE: If multiple report container elements use the same data source (ex. multiple charts or crosstabs etc.), the data is passed only once to the report and is re-used by all these elements. Depending on the project, this might yield a noticeable performance boost. The main drawback is a larger memory footprint. Additionally, it is no longer possible to change the value of variables that influence the properties or contents of the elements during printing (default).
FALSE: Each element gets its own data. | ||||||||||
AutoRecoverySaveOptions | Customize the auto recovery dialogue by providing a combination of supported modes - combined flags of LlAutoRecoveryOption. | ||||||||||
CalcSumVarsOnInvisibleLines | This sets the default value for the Designer option specifying whether or not sum variables should also be calculated if data lines are suppressed. The value selected in the Designer will then be saved in and loaded from the project file. Default: FALSE | ||||||||||
CalcSumVarsOnPartialLines | TRUE:
The sum variables are updated as soon as one data line for the record has been printed.
FALSE: The sum variables are updated as soon as all data lines have been completely printed (Default). | ||||||||||
CallbackMask | Any combination of the following values is possible as a value: LL_CB_PAGE (0x40000000) LL_CB_PROJECT (0x20000000) LL_CB_OBJECT (0x10000000) LL_CB_HELP (0x08000000) LL_CB_TABLELINE (0x04000000) LL_CB_TABLEFIELD (0x02000000) | ||||||||||
CompressRtf | TRUE: The text of an RTF control is stored compressed in the project file (Default).
FALSE: Text is not compressed in project file (for example for debugging). | ||||||||||
CompressStorage | |||||||||||
ConvertCRLF | |||||||||||
DefaultDefaultFont | Default font. The handle needs not be valid after the API call, an own copy of the font will be used. This font can be set by LL_OPTIONSTR_DEFDEFFONT. Default: GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT) | ||||||||||
DefaultPrinterInstalled | Returns if a default printer is present on the system. | ||||||||||
DelayTableHeader | |||||||||||
DesignerExportParameter | In order to enable the direct preview within the designer, you have to set LL_OPTION_DESIGNEREXPORTPARAMETER for the export from the designer.
See the Programmer's Manual, chapter 'Direct Printing and Export from the Designer'. | ||||||||||
DesignerPreviewParameter | In order to enable the direct preview within the designer, you have to set LL_OPTION_DESIGNERPREVIEWPARAMETER for the preview of real data.
See the Programmer's Manual, chapter 'Direct Printing and Export from the Designer'. | ||||||||||
DesignerPrintSingleThreaded | If your data source only allows single threaded access, you must set LL_OPTION_DESIGNERPRINT_SINGLETHREADED to TRUE. This will be used by List & Label, so that during the preview calculation no export is possible, and vice versa. See the Programmer's Manual, chapter 'Direct Printing and Export from the Designer'. | ||||||||||
EscClosesPreview | TRUE: "Escape" key closes the preview window.
FALSE: "Escape" key does not close the preview window (Default). | ||||||||||
ExpressionSeparatorRepresentationCode | Character code of the character that is used to divide an expression in multiple lines in the formula assistant. | ||||||||||
ForceFontCharset | TRUE: All fonts in the system are being offered in font selection combo boxes (see also LL_OPTION_SCALABLEFONTSONLY).
FALSE: Only the fonts are displayed which support the charset of the default LCID (see LL_OPTION_LCID) (Default). | ||||||||||
ForceUniqueReportParameterDisplayValues | For report parameter choices from the data source, this option lets the designer show only distinct display values (instead of removing duplicates from the real values only). Default: FALSE | ||||||||||
GetCurrentProjectType | Returns the project type of the currently loaded project (like LlProject). | ||||||||||
HelpAvailable | TRUE: Show Help buttons (Default).
FALSE: Hide help buttons. | ||||||||||
ImprovedTableLineAnchoring | Can affect the output for anchored table rows. Unanchored rows will be output below an anchored row that had previously used the most space for it. Note: Even if anchoring is not used, but lines with negative margin on top are used, the option should be disabled. Default: TRUE | ||||||||||
IncludeFontDescent | |||||||||||
IncrementalPreview | |||||||||||
InterCharSpacing | TRUE: The space between the characters for block justified text will vary.
FALSE: Only the width of blanks between words will be varied (Default). | ||||||||||
LCID | When you set this option, the default values for locale dependent parameters are set accordingly (inch/metic unit, decimal point, thousands separator, currency symbol and fonts (see LL_OPTION_FORCEFONTCHARSET)). It also defines the default locale for the Loc...$() and Date$() functions. Default: LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT. | ||||||||||
LockNextCharRepresentationCode | Character code of the character that represents a "line break lock". | ||||||||||
MaxRtfVersion | |||||||||||
Metric | See Unit Property | ||||||||||
MultiSectionPrintMerge | TRUE: The same printer settings are used for the table of contents (TOC), index (IDX) and reverse side (GTC) report sections that are also used in the main project if the properties of the printers match. This means that fewer new printer DCs need to be used and can therefore lead to better resource utilization.
FALSE: Each report section uses its own individual printer settings (default). | ||||||||||
NoAutoPropertyCorrection | TRUE: Interdependent properties can be set independently. This option is sometimes required when working with the DOM object model to prevent automatic property switching. If e.g. the font of a paragraph is set to a Chinese font, the property "Charset" would be automatically switched accordingly. If this is not desired, use this option to switch the behavior.
FALSE: Setting interdependent properties mutually influences each other (Default). | ||||||||||
NoFileVersionUpgradeWarning | This option defines the behavior of the designer while opening a project file from an older version of List & Label.
TRUE: Conversion takes place without user interaction.
FALSE: A warning box is displayed to the user, telling that the project file will not be editable by an older version of List & Label once it has been saved with the current version (Default). | ||||||||||
NoNoTableCheck | TRUE: For a list project, List & Label does not check whether at least one table object is present.
FALSE: List & Label does the check and returns LL_ERR_NO_TABLEOBJECT if the project contains no table. (Default) | ||||||||||
NoParameterCheck | TRUE: List & Label does not check the parameters passed to its DLL functions, which results in a higher processing speed.
FALSE: The parameters will be checked (Default). | ||||||||||
NoPrinterPathCheck | TRUE: It is checked, if the printers that are relevant for the project exists. If for example network printers are used in the project, that are currently not available, waiting time will occur.
FALSE: No checks, if the printers that are relavant for the project exist (default). | ||||||||||
NoPrintJobSupervision | Here you can choose whether the printing supervision is activated or not. See also PrintJobInfo Event | ||||||||||
PhantomspaceRepresentationCode | Character code of the character that represents a "phantom space". | ||||||||||
Preview_RectHeight | The initial height of the real data preview window in pixels. Initially the Height of the window it had when last closed is taken. | ||||||||||
Preview_RectLeft | The initial left position of the real data preview window in pixels. Initially the position of the window it had when last closed is taken. | ||||||||||
Preview_RectTop | The initial top position of the real data preview window in pixels. Initially the position of the window it had when last closed is taken. | ||||||||||
Preview_RectWidth | The initial width of the real data preview window in pixels. Initially the width of the window it had when last closed is taken. | ||||||||||
Preview_Zoom_Height | The initial height of the real data preview window in percent of the page size. Initially the height of the window it had when last closed is taken. | ||||||||||
Preview_Zoom_Left | The initial left position of the real data preview window in percent of the page size. Initially the position of the window it had when last closed is taken. | ||||||||||
Preview_Zoom_Percent | |||||||||||
Preview_Zoom_Top | The initial top position of the real data preview window in percent of the page size. Initially the position of the window it had when last closed is taken. | ||||||||||
Preview_Zoom_Width | The initial width of the real data preview window in percent of the page size. Initially the width of the window it had when last closed is taken. | ||||||||||
PreviewScalesRelativeToPhysicalSize | Use flags (0x1: Designer, 0x2: Preview Window) to decide where to match the physical size on screen. Requires Win 8.1 or newer. | ||||||||||
Printerless | See Printerless property. | ||||||||||
ProhibitUserInteraction | Tells List & Label that all MessageBoxes will be automatically answered. | ||||||||||
ProjectBackup | TRUE: A backup file is generated during editing in the Designer (default).
FALSE: No backup file is generated. | ||||||||||
Realtime | TRUE: Time() and Now() will always use the current time.
FALSE: The time will be fixed once at project load time (Default). | ||||||||||
ReturnRepresentationCode | Value of the new character, which represents a return (Default: "¶"). | ||||||||||
RibbonDefaultEnabledState | TRUE: The Designer and the print preview use the Windows Ribbon framework. The Ribbon may be switched off in the project's options dialog (default).
FALSE: Usage of the Ribbon has to be enabled explicitly in the project's options dialog. | ||||||||||
RoundingStrategy | With this option the rounding strategy can be set by one of the following values: LL_ROUNDINGSTRATEGY_BANKERSROUNDING (0)LL_ROUNDINGSTRATEGY_ARITHMETIC_SYMMETRIC (1) (Default). | ||||||||||
SaveProjectInUtf8 | Determines how the project files are to be saved. The following values can be used:
| ||||||||||
ScalableFontsOnly | Raster fonts have the disadvantage of not being scalable, so the preview can look unexpectedly.
TRUE: Only scalable fonts are selectable in the font selection dialogs (TrueType and Vector fonts (Default).
FALSE: All fonts are selectable in the font selection dialogs. | ||||||||||
ScriptingEngineAutoExecute | Optionally, the formula editor can be set so that the printout is executed directly in real time each time a key is pressed. However, since this can put a lot of load on the system, depending on the script language, the default setting is False. | ||||||||||
ScriptingEngineEnabled | Enable general scripting support. Default: False | ||||||||||
ScriptingEngineTimeoutMs | Optionally a user-defined timeout can be set for the maximum runtime of a script. A script with longer runtime will be aborted by the environment. With C# scripting, caution is advised here with too low a timeout, since any compile time that may occur counts towards the execution time. Default: 10000 ms | ||||||||||
SetCreationInfo | List & Label can store some information about the user (user and computer name, date and time of creation as well as last modification) into the project file and the preview file. This can be important in tracing modifications.
TRUE: Save info (Default).
FALSE: Suppress saving info. | ||||||||||
ShowPredefinedVariables | TRUE: The internal variables of List & Label will be listed in the variable selection dialog of the formula assistant (Default).
FALSE: They will be suppressed. | ||||||||||
SketchColorDepth | This option sets the color depth of the sketch files for the file selection dialogs. Default is 1, i.e. monochrome, 32 would be True-Color for example. | ||||||||||
SkipReturnAtEndOfRtf | RTF texts may contain blank lines at the end.
TRUE: These are removed (prevents doubled spaces at the end of the RTF).
FALSE: The blank lines are printed. | ||||||||||
SortVariables | TRUE: The variables and fields in the selection dialog are sorted alphabetically.
FALSE: The variables and fields in the selection dialog are not sorted (Default). | ||||||||||
SpaceOptimization | This does not apply to existing objects!
TRUE: List & Label will default the "Space Optimization" feature for new paragraphs in text objects and new fields (Default).
FALSE: The default state will be unchecked.
| ||||||||||
SuperVisor | TRUE: All menu options are allowed and even locked objects are not locked. This mode enables parts which are not accessible to the user to be used without much additional programming.
FALSE: Limitations are valid (Default). | ||||||||||
SupportPagebreak | TRUE: The page break checkbox of the text object is displayed and can be checked by the user (Default).
FALSE: The page break checkbox is hidden. | ||||||||||
TableColoring | |||||||||||
TabRepresentationCode | Character code of the character that represents the "tab". | ||||||||||
TabStops | LL_TABS_DELETE (0): List & Label replaces tabs (code 0x09) in a text by spaces (Default).
LL_TABS_EXPAND (1): Tabs will be expanded by spaces for a column width of 8 characters. This makes no sense however for proportional fonts. | ||||||||||
TextquoteRepresentationCode | Character code of the character that embraces texts. | ||||||||||
TreeviewFilterVisibilityFlags | Use flags to enable or disable the filter edit control. Default: all enabled.
| ||||||||||
UIStyle | See DialogMode Property | ||||||||||
Units | See Unit Property | ||||||||||
UseBarcodeSizes | TRUE: Some barcodes have size limitations (minimum and/or maximum sizes). If this option is set to TRUE, the user is allowed to switch on the size limitation feature so that resizing the barcode object will only allow sizes in the standard size range.
FALSE: All sizes can be set (Default). | ||||||||||
UseHostprinter | TRUE: List & Label passes all printer device operations to the host application, which then has more freedom but also more work. See LL_CMND_HOSTPRINTER.
FALSE: List & Label manages the printer device (Default). | ||||||||||
UseSimpleWindowsPenStyleFrameDrawing | TRUE: The standard simple frame lines for tables and objects such as dotted, dashed, dashed-dotted, and dashed-dotted-dotted are more effectively output directly by Windows and the PDF viewer, respectively. May result in higher overall performance and smaller export files when creating reports.
FALSE: Uses a custom drawing method (individual objects) to output frame lines. This can lead to better results when outputting to printers (Default). | ||||||||||
UseSvg2Bmp | TRUE: SVG files will be embedded as bitmap records into the preview (meta) files, which will result in significantly larger file sizes (Default).
FALSE: List & Label embeds SVG files as stream into the preview (meta) files. This leads to a significantly decreased file size but the meta files will only be readable from List & Label and not from any third-party picture editors anymore..
Note: Please note that not all SVGs can be converted 1:1 as vectors. Incorrect representations can occur, particularly with more complex coordinate system transformations, partial transparencies and especially with SVG filters. In this case, it may be necessary to export the respective elements as raster graphics or to activate the "Export as Picture" property for the respective object. Alternatively, you can also use this option to ensure that all SVGs are displayed as raster graphics (TRUE). Even then, however, display errors may occur with certain SVGs. We recommend that you check the output carefully.
| ||||||||||
VarsCaseSensitive | |||||||||||
VirtualDeviceScalingOptions | This option is important for optimizing text placement in environments without printer drivers (see Printerless). Too small a magnification can lead to "poor" placement accuracy of output, a too large one (option value between 72 and 2400) can result in objects or parts of them not being output. In any case, you should check the results in the target environment. Default: 600 The following values can be used:
| ||||||||||
XlatVarnames | TRUE: Special characters in variable and field names will be converted to "_" (Default).
FALSE: Variable and field names will not be modified. That has a speed advantage depending on the number of variables and fields. |
Platforms: Windows 10 (Version 21H2 - 23H2), Windows 11 (21H2 - 22H2), Windows Server 2016 - 2022
.NET: .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6, .NET 8, .NET 9