combit List & Label 30 - .NET Help
combit.Reporting Namespace / LlCore Class

In This Topic
LlCore Class Methods
In This Topic

For a list of all members of this type, see LlCore members.

Public Methods
Public Method  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Allows you to use combit dialog styles in your own application.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public MethodOverloaded. 

Creates a sketch that can later be displayed in the file selection dialogs.

Public MethodOverloaded. This function adds a table that can then be used in the Designer.  
Public MethodOverloaded. 

This method can be used to define relations between the tables added via the LlDbAddTable Method. List & Label doesn't directly distinguish between different relation types. You simply pass a relation and it's ID and can query the current relation later at print time using the LlPrintDbGetCurrentTableRelation Method.

Public MethodThis method can be used to define available sort orders for the tables added via the LlDbAddTable Method. Each sorting has it's unique ID that can be queried using the LlPrintDbGetCurrentTableSortOrder Method at print time.  
Public Method

If the master data is passed as variables, List & Label needs to know which table is the "master" table in order to be able to offer the suitable sub tables in the table structure window. If you set the master table name using this method, all tables related to this table can be inserted at the root level of the table object.

Public Method

Defines a chart field and its contents. Chart fields are needed e.g. for charts in table columns. You should avoid using this function directly - the ChartFields property offers you a much more powerful way to add data.

Public Method

Empties List & Label's internal chart field buffer to delete old chart field definitions.

You should avoid using this function directly - the ChartFields property offers you a much more powerful way to add data.

Public Method

Defines a list/table field and its contents.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Fields property offers you a much more powerful way to add data.

Public Method

Defines a list/table field and its contents.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Fields property offers you a much more powerful way to add data.

Public Method

Defines a list field and its (handle) contents.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Fields property offers you a much more powerful way to add data.

Public Method

Empties List & Label's internal field buffer to delete old field definitions.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Fields property offers you a much more powerful way to add data.

Public Method

Calls the interactive Designer that will be displayed as a modal pop-up window overlapping your application window.

Public Method

Defines a variable of the type LL_TEXT and its contents.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property offers you a much more powerful way to add data.

Public Method

Defines a variable and its contents.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property offers you a much more powerful way to add data.

Public Method

Defines a variable and its contents.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property offers you a much more powerful way to add data.

Public Method

Empties List & Label's internal variable buffer to delete old definitions.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property offers you a much more powerful way to add data.

Public Method  
Public Method  
Public MethodOverloaded. 

This function is only available in the Enterprise Edition!

Starts the List & Label formula wizard independently from the Designer. Thus you can use List & Label formulas at locations in your application that are independent from the Designer.

Public Method

Returns the name and contents of a variable or (chart) field.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields offer you a much more powerful way to work with your data.

Public Method

Returns an iterator for the first chart field. The name does not have to be known, the chart fields are returned in the order in which they are declared to List & Label.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields offer you a much more powerful way to work with your data.

Public Method  
Public Method

Returns an iterator for the first field. The name does not have to be known, the fields are returned in the order in which they are declared to List & Label.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields offer you a much more powerful way to work with your data.

Public Method

Returns an iterator for the first variable. The name does not have to be known, the variables are returned in the order in which they are declared to List & Label.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields offer you a much more powerful way to work with your data.

Public Method

Returns the next field/variable (if any). The iteration starts with LlEnumGetFirstVar() or LlEnumGetFirstField() and is being continued with this function.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields offer you a much more powerful way to work with your data.

Public Method

Returns the reason for the error in plain text.

You should avoid using this function directly - the ExpressionEvaluator Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with expressions.

Public Method

Evaluates an expression.

You should avoid using this function directly - the ExpressionEvaluator Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with expressions.

Public Method  
Public Method

Releases the parsing tree created by LlExprParse().

You should avoid using this function directly - the ExpressionEvaluator Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with expressions.

Public Method  
Public Method  
Public Method

Tests the expression for correctness and constructs a function tree for this expression.

You should avoid using this function directly - the ExpressionEvaluator Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with expressions.

Public Method  
Public Method

Evaluates the result type of the expression.

You should avoid using this function directly - the ExpressionEvaluator Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with expressions.

Public Method

Returns the contents of the corresponding chart field.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields offer you a much more powerful way to work with your data.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)The system's default printer can be queried hereby.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns the current setting of the dialog box-layout.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Returns a localized error message for the passed error code.  
Public Method  
Public Method

Returns the type of the corresponding field.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields offer you a much more powerful way to work with your data.

Public Method  
Public MethodOverloaded. 

Requests diverse switches and settings (see below) from List & Label.

Returns various options.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Requests diverse string settings (see below) from List & Label.

Returns the various option string settings.

Public MethodGets different options of the preview.  
Public Method  
Public Method  
Public Method

Returns the contents of the corresponding sum variable.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Returns a list of variables, fields and chart fields that are actually used within the given project file, in order to increase performance, as only these values need to be provided.

Public Method

Returns the contents of the corresponding user variable.

Public Method

Returns the contents of the corresponding variable.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields offer you a much more powerful way to work with your data.

Public Method

Returns the type of the corresponding variable.

You should avoid using this function directly - the Variables property and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields offer you a much more powerful way to work with your data.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns the version number.

Public MethodOverloaded.   
Public MethodOverloaded.   
Public Method

Deletes the temporary file(s) which have been created by the preview print.

Public Method

Starts the real data preview window.

Public Method

Starts the real data preview. Additional options can define the behavior.

Public Method

Sets a temporary path for the print preview file(s). Useful especially for applications running in a network environment.

Public Method

Output of all objects on the printer.

Public Method

Aborts the print (an incomplete page stays incomplete or may not be printed).

Public MethodLegacy function no longer supported.  
Public Method

Allows saving and restoring the printer configuration file.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

This function returns the table that is currently to be printed/filled.

Public Method  
Public MethodThis function returns the current table relation to be printed.  
Public MethodThis function returns the current table sort order to be printed.  
Public MethodReturns the number of tables on the root level. Needed for correctly displaying a progress bar.  
Public Method

This function is used to inform the chart objects contained in the project that data is available. It is the logical counterpart of LlPrintFields() for charts.

Public Method

Informs whether the last data record printed did match the filter given by the user, i.e. if it was really printed.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Enables the object to be printed or disables it in order to tell List & Label to ignore it.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Ends the print job.

Public Method

Opens a printer selection window and saves the user's selection in the printer definition file.

Public Method

Output of a table line.

Public Method

Prints (tries to print) the footer on the last page and appended objects.

Public Method

Returns the number of chart objects in the current project.

Public Method

Returns the page number of the page currently printing.

Public Method

Returns the chosen filter condition (if the project has one assigned).

Public Method

Returns the number of labels on a page (no. of columns * no. of lines).

Public Method

Returns the number of lines of the smallest list on a page.

Public Method

Returns various print options.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Returns the various print option string settings.

Returns various option strings.  
Public Method

Returns information about the target printer.

Public Method

Returns the remaining number of lines in a table.

Public Method

Returns the amount of space remaining in the table.

Public Method

Informs whether the given chart field from the loaded project is used in one of the expressions or conditions of the project.

You usually don't need to care about used identifiers, the data binding automatically handles the calls for you. When working database independent, it is preferable to use the "IsUsed" property of a member of the Variables collection and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields.

Public Method

Informs whether the given field from the loaded project is used in one of the expressions or conditions of the project.

 You usually don't need to care about used identifiers, the data binding automatically handles the calls for you. When working database independent, it is preferable to use the "IsUsed" property of a member of the Variables collection and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields.

Public Method

Informs whether the given variable from the loaded project is used in one of the expressions or conditions of the project.

 You usually don't need to care about used identifiers, the data binding automatically handles the calls for you. When working database independent, it is preferable to use the "IsUsed" property of a member of the Variables collection and it's counterparts for fields and chart fields.

Public Method

Calls a print option selection window and enables the user to select print specific settings.

Public Method

Calls a print option selection window and enables the user to select print specific settings.

Public Method

Resets the print status of all objects.

Public Method

Resets the print state of the whole project, so that printing starts as if it was a new project.

Public Method

Opens a dialog where the user can choose the first label's position in the label array.

Public Method

Sets text and percentage value in the progress box.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Sets various print options for the print job or the print options dialog, for example to pre-set the number of copies required.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Sets various print option strings for List & Label.

Public Method

Starts the print job, loads the project definition.

Public Method

Allows redraw of the progress box that is used if you print with LlPrintWithBoxStart().

Public Method

Informs whether the present data record matches the filter chosen by the user, i.e. whether it will be printed with the next LlPrint() or LlPrintFields() function.

Public Method

Starts the print job and opens the project file. Supports an abort window.

Public Method

Closes an open project and releases the relevant project file again. The file is not saved!

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Opens the specified project file and returns the DOM handle for the project object. This object is the basis for all further DOM functions.

Public Method

Saves an open project.

Public Method  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Method  
Public Method

Copies the contents of the RTF object to the clipboard. Several clipboard formats are available: CF_TEXT, CF_TEXTW (using the Unicode-DLL) and CF_RTF.

You should avoid using this API directly - the ListLabelRTFControl Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with the RTF editor.

Public Method

Creates an instance of a List & Label RTF object to be used in stand-alone mode.

You should avoid using this API directly - the ListLabelRTFControl Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with the RTF editor.

Public Method

Destroys the instance of the stand-alone RTF object.

You should avoid using this API directly - the ListLabelRTFControl Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with the RTF editor.

Public Method

Paints the contents of the RTF object in a device context (DC). Can be used to display the RTF contents in a window or print them to the printer.

You should avoid using this API directly - the ListLabelRTFControl Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with the RTF editor.

Public Method

Displays the RTF editor to the user. All variables and - in case of LlProject.List - all fields are available for use in expressions.

You should avoid using this API directly - the ListLabelRTFControl Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with the RTF editor.

Public Method  
Public MethodOverloaded. 

Disables buttons in the RTF control.

You should avoid using this API directly - the ListLabelRTFControl Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with the RTF editor.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Returns the text of a RTF object.

You should avoid using this API directly - the ListLabelRTFControl Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with the RTF editor.

Public Method

Sets the text into the RTF control. The format of the text (plain or RTF) is being auto-detected. You should avoid using this API directly - the ListLabelRTFControl Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with the RTF editor.

Public Method

Opens a file selection dialog with an optionally integrated preview window.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Switches the debug mode on or off.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Don't use this API directly - use the DialogMode Property instead.  
Public Method

Sets the file extensions for the different project types.

Public Method

Definition of a procedure which will be called for notifications. The event handling of the component calls this function internally.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Sets diverse options in List & Label.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Sets string options in List & Label.

Public MethodSets different options of the preview.  
Public Method

Sets the path of the printer definition file. Important e.g. for user specific printer settings in a network environment.

Public MethodOverloaded. 

Replaces a printer in a printer configuration file (the so-called "P-File") by a new one or allows you to set special printer parameters.

Public Method  
Public Method  
Public Method

Deletes the printer definition file so that List & Label uses the default printer set in Windows when the project is used the next time.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Append another preview job to the current storage file.

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Converts a preview file to another format. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Erases the preview file(s). 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Releases the metafile handle.

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Paints a preview page to a screen or printer device. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns the version of the Stgsys API. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Can be used to get the .real. name(s) of the preview file(s). If a path has been provided to LlStgsysStorageOpen this path will also be included. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns the version of the preview file. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns the number of jobs stored in the preview. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ProjectParameters from a preview file can be queried hereby.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns some numerical parameters of the current job. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns the error code of the last call to a LlStgsys-API function. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns the number of pages in the current job. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns a enhanced metafile handle that can be used to display or print page data. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns character strings that are stored in the preview file. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Returns page-dependent information. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Prints pages from an open preview file job.  

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Sets the job index for the following API calls.  

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Set string values.  

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Closes the access handle to the preview. 

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Opens a preview file.  

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Prints pages from an open preview file job.  

You should avoid calling this API directly. The PreviewFile Class offers you a much more powerful way to work with preview files.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Method  
Public MethodOverloaded. 

Removes buttons from the real data preview.  

Public Method

Gets parameters from a specific extension module.

Public Method

Sets parameters in a specific extension module.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Opens a configuration dialog for the mail parameters. Can be used if the c?mx??.dll is used for sending export results by mail (see the corresponding chapter for sending export files by mail in the Programmer's Manual). The settings will be saved in the registry under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\combit\cmbtmx\<subkey>\<User|Computer>".

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Close the DLL-job.

You should avoid calling this API directly. The MailJob Class offers a much more powerful way to work with the mail DLL.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Open a mail-job.

You should avoid calling this API directly. The MailJob Class offers a much more powerful way to work with the mail DLL.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded. 

Sends a mail.

You should avoid calling this API directly. The MailJob Class offers a much more powerful way to work with the mail DLL.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Sets various mail-settings in List & Label.

You should avoid calling this API directly. The MailJob Class offers a much more powerful way to work with the mail DLL.

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)

Switches the LS-API debug mode.

See Also