public void LlPrintUpdateBox()
public: void LlPrintUpdateBox();
Public Sub LlPrintUpdateBox()
Allows redraw of the progress box that is used if you print with LlPrintWithBoxStart().
This is basically a message loop. This function should be called if you run lengthy operations to get your data, as it allows the dialog box to react to possibly needed window repaint or an abort button press. List & Label implicitly calls this function on LlPrint(), LlPrintFields() or LlPrintSetBoxText() calls, so it is only needed if your own processing lasts some time.
Platforms: Windows 10 (Version 21H2 - 23H2), Windows 11 (21H2 - 22H2), Windows Server 2016 - 2022
.NET: .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6, .NET 8, .NET 9