combit List & Label 30 - .NET Help
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    combit.Reporting.Dom Namespace
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    To create project files dynamically at runtime or to edit project files via code, you can work with the List & Label DOM functions. Comfortable class wrappers are available. Advice for their usage can be found in this help.

    To create a new project, you need the Open Method of the ProjectBase Class. To edit existing projects, use the GetFromParent Method.

    Important note: It is also possible when opening a project with DOM to specify that any errors should be ignored when editing. So it is possible to edit the project file even without accessing the original data source.

    But changes to the (data-) structure of the project, which are based on formulas or variables/fields of the data source, can not be considered and implemented. Because without data source then the formulas in the project are treated like placeholders, and thus then the section with the used variables (see LlGetUsedIdentifiers()) cannot be written correctly, if you append e.g. in a table further columns. The content of this section is then left unchanged when saving. The same applies in case a new table is inserted in a report container, which was not used before. In addition, the DOM types of individual elements in the project file cannot be correctly identified in this case.

    Only when the data source in the ListLabel object used is also known can the project be processed with DOM completely and without restrictions. Only then can any formulas etc. be interpreted to use the correct DOM type.


    ClassRepresents the background shapes.
    ClassRow properties of a chart.
    ClassCollection of background shapes.
    ClassA chart object can define fixed colors for axis values. This collection allows to add such assignments.
    ClassCollection of chart rows.
    ClassCollection of CollectionVariableCollectionItem items.
    ClassCollection of CollectionVariableColumn items.
    ClassCollection of CollectionVariables items.
    ClassCollection of ColorRangeItems.
    ClassThis collection contains the cell contents of a crosstab. You may get or set the actual content as well as display properties.
    ClassCollection of Drilldown-Links.
    ClassCollection of foreground shapes.
    ClassThis class contains a collection of formulas. It is used to get or set the groupings in a crosstab row or column.
    ClassCollection of IconRangeItems.
    ClassThis collection contains the layers of the current project. It can also be used to add new layers to the project.
    ClassCollection of ManualLegend items.
    ClassThis collection contains the designer objects of the current project. It can also be used to add new objects to the project.
    ClassThis collection contains the paragraphs of a text object. It can also be used to add new paragraphs to the object.
    ClassThis collection contains the project parameters (i.e. fax and mail settings etc.) of the current project.
    ClassWrapper property for the shape's y-axis.
    ClassWith this class the single layout regions of the project can be set or get.
    ClassThis collection contains the report parameters of the current project. It can also be used to add report parameters to the project.

     This collection contains the ruler guides of the current project. It can also be used to add new ruler guides to the project.


    Collection of SignalItems for gauges.


    Collection of SignalItems for charts.

    ClassThis collection is used to handle sub items in an object, e.g. a crosstab in a report container.
    ClassThis collection contains the sum variables of the current project. It can also be used to add new sum variables to the project.
    ClassThis collection contains the fields of a table line. It can also be used to add new fields to the line.
    ClassThis collection is a base class for the table line definition collections of a table. It may not be instantiated directly.
    ClassThis collection contains the data lines of the current table. It can also be used to add new data lines to the table.
    ClassThis collection contains the footer lines of the current table. It can also be used to add new footer lines to the table.
    ClassThis collection contains the group footer lines of the current table. It can also be used to add new group footer lines to the table.
    ClassThis collection contains the group header lines of the current table. It can also be used to add new group header lines to the table.
    ClassThis collection contains the header lines of the current table. It can also be used to add new header lines to the table.
    ClassThis collection contains the templates used by the current project. It can also be used to add additional project templates.
    This collection contains the templates used by the current project. It can also be used to add additional project templates.
    ClassCollection of TextItems.
    ClassThis collection contains the user variables of the current project. It can also be used to add new user variables to the project.
    ClassRepresents a collection variable.
    ClassAn item within the collection.
    ClassThis class represents an actual column for a collection variable, i.e. it represents a pseudo variable that will be available in the Designer.
    ClassThis class represents a part of a DataGraphic object's bar.

    Represents an object that defines the conditional formatting.


    Determines the properties of the conditional formatting.

    ClassThis class represents the properties of the coordinate label placement and the resulting chart legend.
    ClassBase class for the chart coordinate placement.
    ClassRepresents the coordinate placement for the funnel.
    ClassBase class for crosstab cells.
    ClassThis class represents a single content cell of a crosstab.
    ClassThis class represents a single group label cell of a crosstab.
    ClassThis class represents a single sum label cell of a crosstab.
    ClassBase class for all DOM items. May not be instantiated directly.
    ClassThis class represents a Drilldown-Link.

    Represents an embedded font in the project.

    ClassThis class represents a user-defined object in List & Label. You only have access to the properties of the ObjectBase Class. This class represents a user-defined DesignerObject.
    ClassRepresents the foreground shapes.
    ClassThis class represents a range for the selection of an icon in a DataGraphic object.
    ClassThis class represents a layer within the Designer.
    ClassThis class represents a barcode object in List & Label. All barcodes of the  LlBarcodeType Enumeration are available.
    ClassThis is the base class for all designer objects. If such a type is returned, it can be casted into the correct type.

    This object is used for analyzing and displaying different types of data. You can visualize the range of sales for example, the percentage of different sources or, of course, "simple" bar charts. A large number of different chart types are available and can be used for diverse applications. Most chart types have different sub-types.

    In general, a distinction is made between three and two axis charts. Three axis charts have three data axes and can be used to visualize the sales range per month and employee, for example. A two axis chart has only two data axes and shows e.g. the sales range for the whole company over a number of months.

    A selection of options:

    • Many properties can be defined by formula. Thus the label or label size can be dependent on the content.
    • The background of a chart can be filled with a color gradient and / or zebra pattern.
    • The boundary around a chart can also have rounded corners and a shadow.
    • Separating lines between the pie segments of a pie chart can be activated and deactivated.
    • The filling of the pie segments of a pie chart can be given a color gradient (3D effect).
    • The labeling of a pie chart can occur either in or on the chart, and combinations are also possible (percentage in the chart, descriptive text outside).
    • Exploded pie charts.
    • An angle can be assigned for the axis labeling (e.g. in the case of long texts).
    • A horizontal bar chart with labeling directly in the bar.
    ClassThis class represents a crosstab object in List & Label. This object is used for the analysis and display of different types of data in multiple dimensions. E.g. sales development per year and region can be analyzed or the sales analysis per item count and customer, where you can build the sums per quarters and years. Many different layout options are available.
    ClassThis class represents a DataGraphic object in List & Label.
    ClassThis class represents a drawing object in List & Label.
    ClassThis class represents an ellipse object in List & Label.
    ClassGauges can be placed inside tables or as an object.
    ClassThis class represents a HTML object in List & Label. HTML-formatted texts (e.g. websites) can be displayed hereby.

    Base class for all input objects in List & Label. Input objects are used to provide form output and form input.

    ClassThis class represents a button-type input object in List & Label.
    ClassThis class represents a checkbox-type input object in List & Label.
    ClassThis class represents a combo-type input object in List & Label.
    ClassThis class represents a edit-type input object. User input can be made here that can be read out later.
    ClassThis class represents a line object in List & Label.
    ClassThis class represents a PDF object in List & Label.
    ClassThis class represents a rectangle object in List & Label.

    This class represents a report container object in List & Label. The following sub items may be included:






    This class represents a RTF object in List & Label.

    Multiple formattings within a line can be done with this object contrary to the regular text object. So when to use the formatted text object and when to use the regular one? You should, if possible, prefer the regular text object as it contains less information and is therefore considerably faster to print. This also applies to formatted text within tables.

    Therefore use the formatted text object when formattings have to be done that can't be realized with the regular text object at all or only with at lot of work.


    Form templates are Bitmaps of forms that are scanned and placed in the background of your working area as a stencil so objects can be placed to fit the form. The form templates are displayed in the working area, however not printed. They also can't be further edited.


    This class represents a text object in List & Label.

    User-defined text can be placed in the working area by using text objects. In addition to fixed text also placeholders (variables) like page number, date, company name that are provided by our application can be set. The variables are replaced by their respective values at print (not with the sample print!).


    Options for page break in group header lines.

    ClassThis class represents a paragraph within a text object.

    Base class for all project classes. May not be instantiated directly. Instead, use one of the following derived classes:







    ClassThis class represents a card-type project.

    This class represents a index-type project (*.idx).

    ClassThis class represents a label-type project.
    ClassThis class represents a list/report-type project.
    ClassThis class represents a project parameter used to determine fax and mail settings etc.

    This class represents a TableOfContents-type project (*.toc).

    ClassGets or sets alignment options for the DataGraphic bar.
    ClassDetermines the horizontal alignment of the text like in your word processor. Following values are allowed:


    Value Meaning
    0 Left
    1 Centered
    2 Right
    3 Decimal

    ClassThis class represents an element which support Alpha Blending, e.g. a frame or background.
    ClassThis class defines the anchor to a row.
    ClassThis class defines the chart background.
    ClassA background shape file.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the task bar.
    ClassAllows to set important barcode options like barcode type and content.
    ClassAllows to configure level and text for a bookmark.
    ClassThis class represents the design of a bubble in a bubble chart.
    ClassThis class represents a category axis (x-Axis or - for 3D charts - x/y axis).
    ClassRepresents the category axis of a funnel chart.
    ClassThis class represents a category axis (x-Axis).
    ClassRepresents a x category axis.
    ClassRepresents a y category axis.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the cell.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the gantt chart area.
    ClassThis class represents a color of a diagram element that is not represented by the "conditional colors". For a bar chart, it determines the color of a bar. For a pie chart, it determines the color of one slice.
    ClassDetermines the color order of chart elements for which no "conditional color" is available. To choose a color, access the corresponding item directly by the index (see example).
    ClassThis class represents an entry in the collection of conditional colors (CollectionChartConditionalColors Class). Use it to assign fixed colors to certain values.
    ClassThis class represents all properties defining a chart object.
    ClassThis class represents a simple area chart.
    ClassThis class represents a stacked area chart.
    ClassThis class represents a relatively stacked area chart.
    ClassThis class represents a 2D bar chart.
    ClassBase class for 2D bar charts.
    ClassThis class represents a clustered 2D bar chart.
    ClassThis class represents a stacked 2D bar chart.
    ClassThis class represents a relatively stacked 2D bar chart.
    ClassThis class represents a 3D bar chart.
    ClassBase class for 3D bar charts.
    ClassThis class represents a clustered 3D bar chart.
    ClassBase class for extended 3D charts.
    ClassThis class represents a multi row 3D bar chart.
    ClassThis class represents a stacked 3D bar chart.
    ClassThis class represents a relatively stacked 3D bar chart.
    ClassBase class for bar charts.
    ClassBase class for chart engine types.
    ClassThis class represents a scattered bubble chart.
    ClassThis class represents a sorted bubble chart.
    ClassThis class represents a 2D donut chart.
    ClassThis class represents a 3D donut chart.
    ClassBase class for funnel charts.
    ClassThis class represents a horizontal funnel chart.
    ClassThis class represents a vertical funnel chart.
    ClassBase class for line, area and bubble charts.
    ClassThis class represents a multi row line chart.
    ClassThis class represents a simple line chart.
    ClassThis class represents a stacked line chart.
    ClassThis class represents a relatively stacked line chart.
    ClassThis class represents a 2D pie chart.
    ClassThis class represents a 3D pie chart.
    ClassBase class for pie and donut charts.
    ClassThis class represents a shapefile chart.
    ClassThis class represents a label for a chart axis.
    ClassThis class represents a coordinate label or legend text.
    ClassThis class represents a label on a chart element, e.g. a percentage value within a bar.
    ClassThis class represents a label on a pie segment, e.g. a percentage value.
    ClassThis class represents the label on the "Others" pie segment.
    ClassThis class represents a label for a pie segment, e.g. a percentage value.
    ClassDetermines settings for a secondary value axis.
    ClassThis class represents the chart's title.

    Determines the general colouring of the diagram.

    ClassGets or sets the filling range properties for the DataGraphic bar.
    ClassThis class represents the columnar layout of a container sub item.
    ClassThis class gives you access to the cells of the crosstab. You may access just one cell, a whole row or column, or - by using the All Property - all cells simultaneously.
    ClassGets or sets the wrapping behavior of a cross tab in horizontal direction.

    This class provides further properties for setting multiple values of the crosstab. With this class the complete content of the crosstab can be defined.

    ClassGets or sets the content of a crosstab in one dimension (columns vs. rows). You may specify the groupings to use as well as the GroupLabel or SumLabel to be used.
    ClassGets or sets the wrapping behavior of a crosstab.
    ClassGets or sets the behavior of so called "shadow pages" i.e. pages that are triggered by a crosstab wrap in horizontal direction.
    ClassGets or sets the properties for a crosstab grouping summary, i.e. the sum for a column or row.
    ClassGets or sets the wrapping behavior of a crosstab in one dimension.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the bar DataGraphic.
    ClassGets or sets the value to visualize.
    ClassGets or sets the definition of the DataGraphic object.
    ClassGets or sets the display properties of the visualized value.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the icon DataGraphic.
    ClassThis class is used to set additional options for the data lines of a table object.
    ClassThis class is used to set additional options for the data lines of a table object of type "free content".
    ClassOffers properties to define a date/time format. This class is used by the OutputFormatter classes.
    ClassThis class represents the columnar layout of a report container.
    ClassRepresents the default value for a report parameter.

    Indexed access to the individual color values can be used to determine the colors with the help of the string RGB(r, g, b).

    ClassPrinter settings.
    ClassThis class represents the display options of a drawing object.
    ClassDescribes the percentage range of the available area in which this element is displayed.
    ClassRepresents distance properties for a scale.
    ClassGets or sets the source for a drawing.
    ClassGets or sets file path and name of a drawing file.
    ClassGets or sets the wrapping behavior of a table field.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of a filling e.g. a background, a rectangle filling etc.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of a filling and a possible gradient fill.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of a filling with a possible gradient fill or an image based fill.
    ClassOffers properties to set the bar width and alignment for barcodes supporting these settings.
    ClassGets or sets the behavior of a table object on the last page. The object may have a fixed size (i.e. stretch to the bottom of the object anyway) and the separators can be extended to the bottom as well.
    ClassAllows to set a font for an object.
    ClassAllows to set a font for an object.
    ClassThis class is used to set additional options for the footer lines of a table object.
    ClassA foreground shape file.
    ClassRepresents the frame properties of an object.
    ClassRepresents the frame properties of an object.

    Represents a single line of an object's frame.


    Represents a single line of an object's frame.


    Represents a single line of an object's frame.

    ClassGets or sets the definition of the gantt chart subitem.
    ClassThis class represents the wrapping properties of a Gantt chart object.
    ClassGets or sets the definition of the gauge object.
    ClassDefines a lightness gradient for a pie chart surface.
    ClassSpecifies whether a grid net should be placed in the background of the workspace or not. You can set the distances between the grid lines. With the Snap property you ensure that objects are not freely inserted or moved on the workspace but only along the (possibly invisible) grid lines.
    ClassThis class represents the grid lines of a chart.
    ClassThis class is used to set additional options for the group footer lines of a table object.
    ClassThis class is used to set additional options for the group header lines of a table object.
    ClassGets or sets the properties for the highlight range (i.e. a range that is highlighted in the gantt chart).
    ClassGets or sets the icon range properties for the DataGraphic object.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the index cell.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the inner gantt chart interval and allows to set the scale.
    ClassBase class for all action buttons. May not be instantiated directly.
    ClassGets or sets the behavior of a HTTP post button. This button can be used to HTTP post information from a form to a server.
    ClassGets or sets the behavior of a link button. This button can be used to start a browser or application.
    ClassGets or sets the behavior of a "save as" button. This button can be used to save the preview file e.g. to PDF.
    ClassGets or sets the behavior of a "send to" button. This button can be used to send the preview file e.g. via MAPI.
    ClassAllows to specify verification rules for an input control.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the label cell.
    ClassRepresents the labels on a gauge.
    ClassDefines the layout of the label-sheet or card.
    ClassBase class for all layout classes. May not be instantiated directly.
    ClassRepresents an item in a chart legend.
    ClassAllows to set the properties of a line.
    ClassAllows to set options for the different table line types (data, header, footer,...).
    ClassWith this class the properties of a data line within a table can be set.

    Defines the smoothing of the line.

    ClassGets or sets the properties of the outer gantt chart interval and allows to set the scale.
    ClassBase class for all output formatter classes. May not be instantiated directly.
    ClassThis class can be used to define the format of a text. It allows to format the contents as currency.
    ClassThis class can be used to define the format of a text. It allows to format the contents as date.
    ClassThis class can be used to define the format of a text. It allows to format the contents as date and time.
    ClassWith this property the formattings for the display of text can be set. This class is used for the display in the form of a time difference.
    ClassThis class can be used to define the format of a text. It allows to format the contents as degree value.
    ClassThis class can be used to define the format of a text. It allows to format the contents as number.
    ClassThis class can be used to define the format of a text. It allows to format the contents as percentage.
    ClassThis class can be used to define the format of a text. It allows to format the contents as time.
    ClassGets or sets the paper properties (e.g. extent, printable area etc.).
    ClassAllows to define the wrap behavior of a text paragraph.
    ClassRepresents the definition of the PDF object.
    ClassRepresents the PDF source.
    ClassThis class represents the pointer type of a gauge.
    ClassRepresents the position of a TextItem.
    ClassThis property represents the PREMIUMADRESS-ID of the Premiumadress barcode type.
    ClassGets the data post processing mode for the current row.
    ClassRepresents the Premiumadress barcode.
    ClassGets or sets the extent of the printable area.
    ClassThis class allows to define value ranges for a chart's value axis.
    ClassGets the size of an object.
    ClassAllows to set the coordinates of an object.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of a rectangle frame.
    ClassBase class for rectangles.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the funnel end slice.
    ClassRepresents a section of a report (e.g. table of contents, index, reverse side).
    ClassRepresents a reverse side section of a report.
    ClassRepresents the additional sections of the report.

    If you plan to use List & Label projects for SBCS codepages like 1257 (Baltic rim), 1251 (Cyrillic/Slavic), 1253 (Greek), 1254 (Latin 5: Turkish), 1250 (Latin 2), make sure to set the representation codes to characters not used in the codepage. Also, when working with DBCS characters, none of the representation codes may be in the lead byte range of the target language.

    ClassGets or sets the space between the border and the contents of an object.
    ClassDetermines the content source for a RTF object.
    ClassContains enumerations for horizontal and vertical ruler guides.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the scale labels.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the scale limits.
    ClassGets or sets the distance of the scale values.
    ClassAllows to change project specific settings e.g. the default font used for all new objects.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of a shadow attached to an object.
    ClassThis base class represents the wrapping properties of shadow page enabled objects (e.g. Gantt, Crosstab).
    ClassRepresents the shape background.
    ClassRepresents the boundary selection properties of the shape chart.
    ClassRepresents the shape definition.
    ClassRepresents the data in the shape chart.
    ClassBase class for shape items.
    ClassGets the X-Axis of the shape chart.
    ClassGets the Y-Axis of the shape chart.
    ClassGets or sets the size or count of (an) object(s).
    ClassGets or sets the sort orders that can be set interactively in the preview.
    ClassRepresents the data source for a report parameter's values.
    ClassGets or sets the scale's start value.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the gantt table area.
    ClassContains enumerations for the different line definitions in a table.
    ClassThis class represents a line definition in a free content table.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the task rows.
    ClassGets or sets the background for the text item.
    ClassSpecifies the embracing characters for text.
    ClassThis class represents the tick mark options of a chart axis.
    ClassGets or sets the tickmark properties.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of the title row.

    Used to query or determine the user-defined design scheme.

    ClassThis class represents the value axis (y-axis for 2D, z-axis for 3D diagrams) of a chart.
    ClassThis class offers access to the value axes (y-axes for 2D, z-axes for 3D diagrams) of a chart. The primary axis has the index 0.
    ClassThis base class represents a value axis.
    ClassThis class represents the value axis of a scattered bubble chart.
    ClassThis class represents the value axis of a sorted bubble chart.
    ClassThis class represents the value axis of a funnel chart.
    ClassThis class represents the value axis of a 2D pie chart.
    ClassThis class represents the value axis of a 3D pie chart.
    ClassThis class represents a layout region in the List & Label Designer.
    ClassThis class represents a report parameter.
    ClassContains all properties of a ruler guide.
    ClassA string collection that can be serialized to a separated string.
    ClassGets or sets the properties of a colored range on the gauge scale.
    ClassBase class for all report container item types. May not be instantiated directly.
    ClassThis class represents a chart item.
    ClassThis class represents a crosstab item.
    ClassThis class represents a gantt chart item.
    ClassThis class represents a table item of type "free content".
    ClassThis class represents a table item.
    ClassThis class is the base class of all table items.
    ClassThis class represents a sum variable.
    ClassThis class represents a barcode table field.
    ClassBase class for all table field types. May not be instantiated directly.

    This class represents a chart object in List & Label within a table row.

    ClassThis class represents a DataGraphic table field.
    ClassThis class represents a drawing table field.

    Represents an instance of the Designer object, which has been inserted into a table column by an user. Besides the height, no other properties can be set.

    This class represents a user-defined DesignerObject.
    ClassThis class represents a gauge table field.
    ClassThis class represents a HTML table field.
    ClassThis class represents a PDF table field.
    ClassThis class represents a RTF table field.
    ClassThis class represents a text table field.
    ClassBase class for all table line types. May not be instantiated directly.
    ClassThis class represents a data line in a table.
    ClassThis class represents a footer line in a table.
    ClassThis class represents a group footer line in a table.
    ClassThis class represents a group header line in a table.
    ClassThis class represents a header line in a table.
    ClassThis class represents a template, i.e. a include file for a project.
    ClassRepresents a single text item on a gauge scale.
    ClassThis class represents a user variable.

    When opening a project you must choose whether to open the file with read/write access or read only. If you want to make changes to the project and save them, make sure to choose ReadWrite access mode.

    EnumerationDetermines the control type for the report parameter's UI.

    When opening a project you must choose whether the file should be opened if existing, created always etc. This can be specified by using one of the enumeration values.

    EnumerationDefines the type of the gauge.
    EnumerationThis enumeration contains the diverse available link types for a horizontal object linkage.
    EnumerationThis enumeration contains the diverse available size adaption types for a horizontal object linkage.
    EnumerationThis enumeration controls the behavior when opening a List & Label project file via DOM.
    EnumerationDetermines the type of the report parameter.
    EnumerationDetermines the source type of the report parameter.
    EnumerationThis enumeration contains the diverse available link types for a vertical object linkage.
    EnumerationThis enumeration contains the diverse available size adaption types for a vertical object linkage.

    Specifies the options to use for a find or replace operation.


    Specifies the action for a replace operation and will be used in event ReplaceHit.

    See Also