combit List & Label 30 - .NET Help
combit.Reporting.Dom Namespace / PropertyCrosstabDimension Class
Members Example

PropertyCrosstabDimension Class
Gets or sets the content of a crosstab in one dimension (columns vs. rows). You may specify the groupings to use as well as the GroupLabel or SumLabel to be used.
Object Model
PropertyCrosstabDimension ClassCollectionFormulas ClassDomItem ClassCollectionCrosstabCellGroupLabels ClassCrosstabCellBase ClassCollectionCrosstabCellSumLabels ClassCrosstabCellBase Class
Public Class PropertyCrosstabDimension 
   Inherits DomItem
Inheritance Hierarchy



Platforms: Windows 10 (Version 21H2 - 23H2), Windows 11 (21H2 - 22H2), Windows Server 2016 - 2022
.NET: .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6, .NET 8, .NET 9

See Also