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combit.Reporting.Dom Namespace / PropertyCategoryAxisPie Class

PropertyCategoryAxisPie Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see PropertyCategoryAxisPie members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyDefines the label for the summarized segment "Others". If you do not enter your own formula, the label will be adapted to the "normal" segment label layout.  
Public PropertyDetermines the text for the coordinate label or legend. To e.g. yield value and percentage, use 'LL.ChartObject.AxisCoordinate + " - " + Str$(LL.ChartObject.ArcPerc,0,0) + "%"'
Public Property

Gets or sets the placement for the coordinate labels.

"0" = hide label

"1" = draw label at chart

Public PropertyGets or sets the data filter.  
Public Property (Inherited from combit.Reporting.Dom.DomItem)
Public Property  
Public Property  
Public PropertyEspecially when you have numerous values that make up small contributions it may be desirable to summarize these in a common segment. Select the maximum value up to which the segments will be summarized.  
Public PropertyThe designer doesn't show the "real" data as it will appear in your chart. Use this value to determine the number of sample values to be displayed.  
Public PropertyGets or sets if the coordinates should be sorted.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the data source for the coordinate, e.g. "Name" for persons, "Month" for dates etc.  
See Also