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combit.Reporting.Dom Namespace / CrosstabCellBase Class
Properties Methods

In This Topic
    CrosstabCellBase Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by CrosstabCellBase.

    Public Properties
    Public PropertyDetermines the horizontal alignment of the text. Available values are


    Value Meaning
    0 left aligned
    1 centered
    2 right aligned

    Public Property

    Determines the vertical alignment of the text. Possible values are

    Value Meaning
    0 content is top aligned
    1 content is centered
    2 content is bottom aligned

    Public Property  
    Public Property

    Rotates the object counter clockwise. Only TrueType fonts can be rotated. Possible values are:


    Value Meaning
    1 90°
    2 180°
    3 270°

    Public Property  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the properties of a filling and a possible gradient fill.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the font for the cell.  
    Public PropertyFormula for the cell's display value.  
    Public PropertyRepresents the frame properties of the cell.  
    Public Property (Inherited from combit.Reporting.Dom.DomItem)
    Public Property

    Link that will be opened when clicking on the cell. This functionality is only available for the following output targets:

    • Preview
    • PDF
    • HTML
    Public Property  
    Public Property  
    Public Property  
    Public Property

    Gets or sets the formatting for the text displayed. Available OutputFormatter classes are:








    Public Methods
    Public MethodCopies all cloneable properties from one item to another. Make sure to call ResetInformation on the modified project in order to rebuild the object model afterwards. (Inherited from combit.Reporting.Dom.DomItem)
    Public Method (Inherited from combit.Reporting.Dom.DomItem)
    Public Method (Inherited from combit.Reporting.Dom.DomItem)
    Public Method (Inherited from combit.Reporting.Dom.DomItem)
    See Also