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    combit.Reporting.DataProviders Namespace (combit.ListLabel30)
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    The DataProviders namespace contains all available DataProviders for List & Label. They allow to connect directly to sources like SqlConnection, XML files or object hierarchies. The interfaces contained in this namespace also allow to write custom DataProviders to connect to sources not covered so far.

    This data provider can be used to access data from Microsoft Access files. Depending on the installed drivers, it automatically chooses between the JET and ACE drivers. If both are installed, ACE is used.


    This data provider can be used to access data from the following ADO.NET elements:

    • DataView
    • DataTable
    • DataViewManager
    • DataSet

    A data provider that allows to connect to Azure SQL databases. All you need is a AzureSqlDataProviderConfiguration.


    Provides the configuration data for the Azure SQL database.


    This data provider can be used to bind to CData ADO.NET providers. Please note that you need to purchase the respective ADO.NET drivers from CData.

    ClassThis data provider can be used to consume data from a CouchDb connection.

    This data provider can be used to access data from CSV (separated values) files.

    ClassThis data provider can be used to combine multiple other data providers into one datasource. Use it if you have e.g. multiple DataSet classes from where to pull data or if you would like to have a mix of XML and custom object data.
    ClassComponent that allows to easily select a data source within the IDE. Afterwards, this DataSource can the be bound to the DataSource Property of a ListLabel instance.
    ClassThis class represents the connection properties of a DataSource.

    Data provider for IBM DB2 databases.


    This provider allows to combine multiple IDbCommand implementations into one data source. It can be used e.g. to access multiple SQL tables and define relations between them (although this is done more easily with the SqlConnectionDataProvider Class). Another possibility is to combine data from e.g. SQL and Oracle databases into one data source.


    Abstract base class for data providers accessing the data of an IDbConnection. The concrete implementations in this assembly are the OleDbConnectionDataProvider Class, the OracleConnectionDataProvider Class and the SqlConnectionDataProvider Class. You can add your own custom IDbConnection consuming descendants if you can access the database schema information (tables and relations) for your .NET data provider. This class is serializable.

    In order to write your own descendant, override the Init() method and pass all tables and relations to the protected Provider member. See the example below for how this is done in the SqlConnectionDataProvider Class. As long as your provider conforms to ISO SQL, you shouldn't need to change anything else, the base class takes care of the entire SQL handling automatically.

    Override the OnTranslateFilterSyntax method in order to change the default handling for filter syntax translation. See IAdvancedFiltering Interface for details and see the example below for how this method is overridden in the  OracleConnectionDataProvider Class. In this case, just the handling of the SUBSTRING SQL function is changed, as the name of this function is SUBSTR in Oracle.


    Enables to tweak the autogenerated IDbCommand instances before they are executed on the database.


    Attribute class that can be used in connection with the ObjectDataProvider. Simply apply this attribute to your class' properties in order to determine the field type to be used (e.g. barcode).

    ClassEnables the application to override the NodeType detection logic of the XmlDataProvider.

    Use this data provider to access Google BigQuery data.

    You need a valid Google account to access the database. Read access for the data is required for this Google account. Go to Google Developers Console and proceed as follows: "Projectname" > Permissions > Add Member. Now this account must be authenticated via OAuth 2.0. A so-called Access Token is required for the actual access, which can be generated from the Refresh Token that never expires.


    Use this data provider to access Google Spreadsheets data.

    You need a valid Google account and must provide access to the data via Google Sheets or the Google Developers Console. Proceed as follows:

    • Table ID: For the table ID refer to the release link (see below).
    • Data source is published on the web: Publish a file in Google Sheets via "File > Publish to the web". The generated link contains the table ID, e.g. {Table ID} /pubhtml.
    • If the data source is not published on the web, the data must be enabled to read via the Google Developers Console. Go to Google Developers Console and proceed as follows: "Projectname" > Permissions > Add Member. Now this account must be authenticated via OAuth 2.0. A so-called Access Token is required for the actual access, which can be generated from the Refresh Token that never expires.
    ClassEnables the application to offer a variable recursion depth for the ObjectDataProvider Class depending on the property currently being examined.

    This data provider can be used to wrap existing datasources in an In-Memory SQLite database. Besides the performance gains (depending on the original data source) this also is a way to circumvent restrictions of the other providers. For example, by wrapping a CSV data provider into an in-memory database you get features like sorting, filtering etc. that are not available for a "pure" CSV data source. This also allows to define relations between different providers, e.g. a relation between a CSV file and an Excel data source.


    Wraps an IDataProvider instance into an in memory data source. This wrapper extends e.g. file-based dataproviders like JSON (also RestDataProvider or SchemaAwareJsonDataProvider), XML, CSV/XLS etc. with some important features. It enables features like sorting, native aggregations, effective filtering on database level and also relations - but not drilldown, on data sources that wouldn't support these features otherwise.

    ClassThis data provider can be used to consume data from a JSON file.
    ClassEnables lazy property loading for the ObjectDataProvider Class. This event is triggered before the provider does examine the property and enables to late load property contents as they are actually required. See the MSDN documentation on loading deferred content for WCF or ADO.NET Data Services for an example.

    Holds information details about a OAuth 2.0 connection that can be used to authenticate web requests in the RestDataProvider using its property OAuth2Connection.


    This data provider can be used to access object structures. It is capable to work with the following types/interfaces:

    • IEnumerable (requires at least one record, though)
    • IEnumerable<T>
    • IListSource

    The provider can parse empty enumerations as well as long as they are strongly typed. Otherwise, at least one element is required in the enumeration and this first element determines the type that is used for further parsing.

    The provider automatically supports sorting as soon as the data source implements the IBindingList interface.

    You may also use this data provider to access LINQ query results, as they are IEnumerable<T>.

    When using EntityCollection<T> objects as data source the ObjectDataProvider first checks the state of the sub relation by querying the IsLoaded property and dynamically calls Load() if necessary. This way, the data is only queried when needed.

    ClassThis data provider can be used to consume data from a OData database.
    ClassThis data provider can be used to consume data from an OdbcDbConnection (e.g. an Excel file). This class is serializable.

    Defines the event arguments for event AddRelations.

    ClassThis data provider can be used to consume data from an OleDbConnection (e.g. Access database file). This class is serializable.

    This data provider can be used to consume data from an Oracle database and uses the ADO.NET providers Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client (not included - see section Requirements).

    ClassEnables the application to override the default type parsing behavior of the XmlDataProvider Class.

    This data provider can be used to consume data from a REST query.


    This data provider can be used to consume data from a SqlConnection. As the connection object will be cloned multiple times, the connection string needs to set Persist Security Info to true if user/password authentication is used. This class is serializable.

    ClassThis DataProvider can be used to access SQLite data. Please note that this provider has additional dependencies (System.Data.SQLite.x64.dll resp. System.Data.SQLite.x86.dll).

    Apply this attribute to your ITable implementor to signal that you can handle used identifiers instance specific, i.e. a table instance can have its own set of used identifiers that may change from instance to instance. This can improve performance when printing the same table multiple times with differing fields.

    ClassThis data provider can be used to bind to Microsoft Excel data (*.xls, *.xlsx).
    ClassThis data provider can be used to access data from XML files. It will not use schema information in XML/XSD files and does not handle constraints. The main purpose of this class is to provide a fast and easy access to nested XML data. This class is serializable.
    InterfaceBy implementing this interface by the class that also implements ITable, custom data providers can translate List & Label functions to a filter syntax that is directly usable by the database. This can speed up filtering remarkably.
    InterfaceBy implementing this interface, custom data providers can receive the identifiers actually used in a print project e.g. in order to optimize queries.
    InterfaceBy implementing this interface, custom data providers can receive the relations actually used in a print project e.g. in order to optimize queries.
    InterfaceImplement this interface to write your custom data provider. Basically, this interface and it's interface peers from the DataProviders namespace represent a relational database. Any class implementing this interface can be directly assigned to the DataSource Property of the ListLabel component. The namespace already contains a couple of concrete classes implementing this interface.

    Allows an ITable implementor to receive and set different options.

    InterfaceThis interface represents a table within the database.
    InterfaceThis interface represents a table column within a table row.
    InterfaceThis interface represents a relation between two tables in a database.
    InterfaceThis interface represents a table row.

    Defines the type of authentication.


    Enumeration of available CData provider types. Please note that you need to purchase the respective ADO.NET drivers from CData.

    EnumerationEnumeration of available source types for the DataSource component.
    EnumerationUse one or several combined values to determine which elements of the database should be available to the Designer.
    EnumerationAvailable node types.

    This enumeration contains several options that can be set or received via the ISupportTableOptions interface.

    See Also