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combit.Reporting.DataProviders Namespace / ITable Interface

ITable Interface Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see ITable members.

Public Properties
 PropertyThis property is queried to receive the number of rows in the table. It will only be accessed if SupportsCount returns true. If your data provider doesn't support counting, you don't need to implement this property and may safely throw a NotImplementedException. Be aware however that you won't get a progress bar during printing in this case.  
 PropertyThis property is queried to get an IEnumerable interface of the rows contained in the table.  

This property is queried whenever a schema row is requested. As long as you don't return an empty enumeration for the Rows property, you don't need to implement this property and may safely throw a NotImplementedException.

 PropertyThis property is queried to receive the available sort orders for your table. It will only be called if the SupportsSorting Property returns true. If your data provider doesn't support sorting, you don't need to implement this property and may safely throw a NotImplementedException.  
 PropertyThis property is accessed to determine if the data provider supports a row count. You may safely return false here but will not get a progress bar at print time then.  
 PropertyThis property is accessed to determine if the data provider supports a row filter. You may safely return false here but will not get drill down reporting support then.  
 PropertyThis property is accessed to determine if the data provider supports sorting. You may safely return false here but will not be able to choose a sort order on the Designer then.  
 PropertyThis property is accessed to query the table name.  
See Also