Web Report Designer runs completely independently in the browser and does not require any local installation of a Windows program, as is the case with Web Designer.
In order to be able to use all Designer functions and objects, the Web Designer can still be used, but it requires a local Windows installation and is therefore no longer browser-independent.
Then create a new controller as usual - in the following the name MyWebReportDesignerController is used as an example. Derive the controller from the WebReportDesignerController class:
Then implement the two abstract methods OnProvideListLabel and OnProvideRepository. Pass your List & Label instance with matching data source or the Repository to be used in the respective arguments provided.
For redistribution it is important that additionally the List & Label license key (see also LicensingInfo) is specified in OnProvideListLabel() for the List & Label instance.
Note: For a detailed implementation for DefaultSettings.GetRepository() in OnProvideRepository(), see the provided ASP.NET examples.
The further procedure differs for .NET 6/.NET 7/.NET 8 and .NET 4.8.
.NET 6/.NET 7/.NET 8:
If you see a startup.cs file (otherwise see below), add the following lines to the end of the Configure method:
And in the ConfigureServices method, add this line:
If there is no startup.cs you should have a program.cs. In this case, add app.UseWebReportDesigner(); right after any other app.Use... call and add builder.Services.AddWebReportDesigner(); right after any other builder.Services... call.
.NET 4.8:
In the global.asax.cs/global.asax.vb file, add the following line before the RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes() call:
The configuration is now complete. Now the Web Report Designer can be inserted and used in the desired view as follows:
The List & Label installation contains corresponding ASP.NET examples that show the use of the Web Report Designer in detail.