combit List & Label 30 - .NET Help
Programming Introduction / Tutorial / Fundamentals / Design, Print and Export
In This Topic
    Design, Print and Export
    In This Topic

    The most important functions of List & Label determine the Designing of projects or the Printing or Exporting of created projects:
    So you can either open the included Designer to design the project freely for later reporting. Or the project previously created in the designer is printed or exported. Each of these important functions has in common that in each case the data source was passed before.


     Design - create project

    By calling the Design method the designer is opened. Here existing projects can be loaded and modified or new projects can be created for reporting. These are then used later for printing or export.

    // Open the designer for creating new projects or editing existing projects
    ' Open the designer for creating new projects or editing existing projects


     Print - physical printout and manual export

    The actual printing of the project created in the Designer can be started in the application, whereby a physical print or one of the numerous export formats (see <LlExportTarget Listing) can be manually selected and configured. The function is started using the Print method.

    // Start the print process with selecting some options by dialogs e.g. used printer driver, export target etc.
    ' Start the print process with selecting some options by dialogs e.g. used printer driver, export target etc.


     Export - automated export

    The Export method is in principle a silent variant of the Print method - i.e. no dialogs are displayed for the export process. Therefore, this output variant is also ideal for batch processes or preferred use in the context of web applications or web services. With the class ExportConfiguration special parameters can be preset.

    // Start the export process without any kind of user interaction
    ExportConfiguration exportConfig = new ExportConfiguration(...);
    ' Start the export process without any kind of user interaction
    Dim exportConfig As New ExportConfiguration(...)


    Hint: If none of the important functions throws an exception, the function has been successfully executed and further steps can be taken - see also Post-Processing.