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combit.Reporting.Web.WindowsClientWebDesigner.Server Namespace / WindowsClientWebDesignerServer Class / ListLabelMvcWindowsClientWebDesigner Method
Instance of the HtmlHelper rendering the page. Within Razor views, this is usually "this.Html".
Contains all WindowsClientWebDesignerOptions which was set.

ListLabelMvcWindowsClientWebDesigner Method
Renders a bootstrapper that will launch the Web Designer application with the specified List & Label project.
Public Shared Function ListLabelMvcWindowsClientWebDesigner( _
   ByVal html As HtmlHelper, _
   ByVal designerOptions As WindowsClientWebDesignerOptions _
) As MvcHtmlString


Instance of the HtmlHelper rendering the page. Within Razor views, this is usually "this.Html".
Contains all WindowsClientWebDesignerOptions which was set.

Limitations in the Web Designer
General limitations in the Web Designer as compared to the normal Designer:

  • no interactive formula functions (AskString$, AskStringChoice$, LibraryPath$, ProjectPath$, ApplicationPath$)
  • no possibility to use local file paths or formulas as source for HTML objects
  • no OLE objects
  • no fax/mail features
  • no independent Designer functions, Designer objects, or DesignerActions
  • no custom-added variables that change their value for each page
  • no objects drawn using callback

There are also additional restrictions in the Web Designer if the repository mode (see also combit.Reporting.Repository) is not used:

  • no drilldown
  • no project includes
  • no report sections (*.toc, *.gtc, *.idx)
  • pictures and PDF files must be embedded in the project file
  • no external shapefiles
    Layout = null;
    WindowsClientWebDesignerOptions options = new WindowsClientWebDesignerOptions()
        DataSource = Model.DataSource,
        ProjectType = Model.ProjectType,
        ProjectFile = Model.ProjectFile,
        TempDirectory = Server.MapPath("~/designer_temp")
    @combit.Reporting.Web.WindowsClientWebDesigner.Server.WindowsClientWebDesignerServer.ListLabelMvcWindowsClientWebDesigner(Html, options)
    Layout = Nothing
    Dim options = New WindowsClientWebDesignerOptions With { _
	    .DataSource = Model.DataSource, _
	    .ProjectType = Model.ProjectType, _
	    .ProjectFile = Model.ProjectFile, _
	    .TempDirectory = Server.MapPath("~/designer_temp") _
End Code
	@combit.Reporting.Web.WindowsClientWebDesigner.Server.WindowsClientWebDesignerServer.ListLabelMvcWindowsClientWebDesigner(Html, options)

Platforms: Windows 10 (Version 21H2 - 23H2), Windows 11 (21H2 - 22H2), Windows Server 2016 - 2022
.NET: .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6, .NET 8, .NET 9

See Also