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combit.Reporting.Web.WindowsClientWebDesigner.Server Namespace / WindowsClientWebDesignerAuthenticationModes Enumeration

WindowsClientWebDesignerAuthenticationModes Enumeration
Specifies the authentication mode for the Windows Client Web Designer.
Public Enum WindowsClientWebDesignerAuthenticationModes 
   Inherits System.Enum
AspNetIdentityOrOWINUse cookie based authentication using the default cookie name of ASP.NET Identity / OWIN Authentication.
AutomaticInherit the authentication mode for the designer from the request in which the Windows Client Web Designer is created (None/Forms/Windows authentication).
CustomCookieUse a custom cookie based authentication. When using this mode, the name of the authentication cookie must be specified in WindowsClientWebDesignerConfig.AuthenticationCustomCookieName.
FormsUse Forms authentication.
NoneDisable authentication and use anonymous requests.
WindowsUse Windows authentication.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Platforms: Windows 10 (Version 21H2 - 23H2), Windows 11 (21H2 - 22H2), Windows Server 2016 - 2022
.NET: .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6, .NET 8, .NET 9

See Also