
Notification that a drilldown action should be processed.




lParam points to a structure scLlDrillDownJob:

_nSize: Size of the structure

_nFunction: Sets the task:








_nUserParameter: Value passed with LL_OPTION_DRILLDOWNPARAMETER

_pszTableID: Points to a string containing the name of the child table

_pszRelationID: Points to a string containing the name of the relation between child and parent table

_pszSubreportTableID: Points to a string containing the name of the child table.

_pszKeyField: Points to a string containing the name of the key field of the parent table. If the relation contains different key fields, the result is tab delimited. Please note the description of the function LlDbAddTableRelationEx().

_pszSubreportKeyField: Points to a string containing the name of the key field of the child table. If the relation contains different key fields, the result is tab delimited. Please note the description of the function LlDbAddTableRelationEx().

_pszKeyValue: Points to a string containing the contents of the key field of the parent table. If the relation contains different key fields, the result is tab delimited. Please note the description of the function LlDbAddTableRelationEx().

_pszProjectFileName: Name of the project file to be processed.

_pszPreviewFileName: Name of the preview file that has to be created.

_pszTooltipText: Points to a string containing the tool tip text when hovering over a table entry, that can trigger a drilldown report.

_pszTabText: Points to a string containing the tab text, if the user wants a drilldown report shown in a separate tab.

_hWnd: Window handle to show own dialogs (window handle of the preview control).

_nID: Unique drilldown job ID, should not be mistaken with the List & Label print job. To make a unique assignement, in the FINALIZE task this ID contains the value that has been assigned in the START task.

_hAttachInfo: This parameter is needed for LlAssociatePreviewControl() to attach the viewer. Additionally the flags LL_­ASSOCIATE­PREVIEW­CONTROLFLAG_­DELETE_­ON_­CLOSE and LL_­ASSOCIATE­PREVIEW­CONTROLFLAG_­HANDLE_­IS_­ATTACH­INFO must be used. Further infor­mation can be found in chapter Printing Relational Data.

Return Value:

Return a value that is unique for the entire runtime of the application.


This callback will always be called in the context of the preview thread, regardless if initiated from designer or preview print.


See chapter Printing Relational Data.