Printing Relational Data

List & Label offers a convenient way of designing projects with multiple relationally linked database tables (hierarchical reports). The report container is also the easiest way for the user to work with multiple tables, charts crosstabs or charts in table columns. The rest of this chapter handles working with LL_PROJECT_LIST type projects. LL_PROJECT_LABEL or LL_PROJECT_CARD type projects support exactly one table and an arbitrary number of sort orders for this table that can be set and retrieved just as for LL_PROJECT_LIST projects.

In the following we use "table" as a synonym for a group of matching fields in the List & Label-Designer or in the "Objects" tool window. You are not restricted to "real" databases - it is also possible to display a class array or dynamically created data in a "table", or all member variables of a class. In the List & Label-Designer you will work with just one "report container object". This object can contain multiple tables, crosstabs and charts.

Once you have added single tables with LlDbAddTable(), your users can edit the structure in the "Objects" tool window. You will find further information on how to design the report container object in the corresponding chapter of the Designer manual. This chapter focuses on how to control such designs.

Examples of how to use multiple tables for the most common programming languages are included in the installation.