
Scripting in List & Label provides you with a powerful extension that allows access to variables, fields and more. With the help of scripts, you can address them and thus realize many additional functions comfortably in a language of your choice.

Note: A script is a sequence of commands that are processed sequentially during execution. The commands are taken from the "vocabulary" of a particular script language. This command set determines the possibilities offered by the language and how a script must be structured.

Scripts are usually not too extensive and lead to considerable performance with just a few commands. An average script contains maybe 20 to 40 lines of commands. Not least for these reasons script languages are usually very easy to learn.

Although superficially very similar, there are a number of crucial differences between a script and an executable program.

For example, scripts are not executable by themselves, but always need an environment in which they are executed. These so-called hosts are responsible for managing the scripts and usually extend the possibilities of the respective language in the form of additional objects. In this case List & Label itself is the host. By means of the provided frameworks, the user has a powerful interface to extend the functionality of the formula editor. Since List & Label scripts are usually run through frequently within the print loop, they must not contain any GUI elements. For the same reason, they should be executable within a manageable time frame.