Which Script Languages are Supported?

In principle, theoretically all script languages of the Windows Scripting Host are supported. However, the most common are VBScript and JScript, which are offered directly by the manufacturer Microsoft. But there are also other implementations such as Python. The selection of the language to be used is done by a parameter string when calling the script functions.

Note: VBScript and JScript are usually already installed on your system. If not or if other languages are to be used, they must be obtained from the respective manufacturer and installed on the system according to their specifications.

In addition to the classic scripting languages of the Windows Scripting Host, C# is also supported as scripting language.

You can utilize all functions of the .NET Framework 4.8 (backwards compatible up to .NET Framework 4.0) with C# scripts; therefore, there needs to be at least this version or a higher version of the .NET Framework installed to execute said scripts.

Since C# scripts must be compiled before use and this may take longer than executing the script itself, the 30 most recently compiled scripts are cached for re-execution. The corresponding files are located in the folder "%temp%\combitCSharpScriptCacheLL29\". There you will find the file "combitCSharpScriptCache.cache" which contains information about the stored scripts and for each script a folder with a name in the form "combitCSharpScript_[GUID]" (e.g. "combitCSharpScript_e9527e037aa149f3ba79bd408a8232db"). This folder contains all .dll files used by the script, debug information and the script itself (also in form of a .dll file).