combit List & Label 30 - .NET Help
Inheritance Hierarchy
combit.ReportServer.ClientApi.Objects Namespace
ClassRepresents a Choice of a ReportDataParameter with Choices
ClassRepresents a single HTTP-Header.
ClassDefines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report every X days.
ClassRepresents a data source on the server.
ClassAbstract base class for a specific configuration class of a data source.
ClassRepresents a folder of data sources.
ClassRepresents a single file of a report on the server that can be downloaded. Depending on the export format, a report may have one or more files. Important: The report is stored on the server for a short time period, so you should download all files within some minutes after the export.
ClassRepresents an export profile that produces one or more files (e.g. PDF export).
ClassBase class for the export profile types (file export + printing).
ClassRepresents the result of an export on the server, i.e. the requested report. Please note that this object just contains the links to the report's files on the server. Important: The report is stored on the server for a short time period, so you should download all files within some minutes after the export.
ClassThe base class for all types of folder objects in the Report Server.
ClassDefines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report every X hours.
ClassRepresents the request payload of an import.
ClassRepresents the result of an successful import for the specific tables.
ClassRepresents the result of an successful import.
ClassRepresents a Message (Log or HealthInfo) with Title and Content
ClassDefines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report every X minutes.
ClassDefines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report on certain days (1-31) of the specified months.
ClassBase class for a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report on certain days of the specified months.
ClassDefines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report on certain weeks of each month (1-4) and certain days of those weeks (Mo-Su).
ClassDefines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs a scheduled report once (at the date specified in the ReportTaskTimedTrigger.StartBoundary property).
ClassStores the data required to export or print a report template.
ClassRepresents an export profile that sends the report to a printer which is connected to the server.
ClassDefines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report in the specified quarters of a year.
ClassRepresents a ReportParameter of a ReportTemplate
ClassRepresents a pre-defined value for a report parameter in a report task.
ClassRepresents a scheduled report that can have various triggers or subsequent actions to process the report.
ClassRepresents the action of a report task that is executed after the report was created.
ClassRepresents a ReportTaskAction that sends the report via email.
ClassRepresents a ReportTaskAction that copies the report files to a directory in the network (UNC path).
ClassRepresents a ReportTaskAction that uploads the report via FTP.
ClassRepresents a ReportTaskAction that uploads the report to a Microsoft SharePoint server.
ClassRepresents a ReportTaskTrigger that is based on the calendar and time periods.
ClassBase class for triggers of scheduled reports. See ReportTask.
ClassRepresents a ReportTaskAction that uploads the report to a Microsoft SharePoint server.
ClassRepresents a report template that may be exported to get a report. Defined by a List & Label project and properties like the assigned user groups, data source, etc.
ClassRepresents an instance of a report template's repository. Note that all operations are not visible to other users until the the session is committed.
ClassA generic wrapper for list items which may be 'Selected' or not. Used for lists of available values that also contains the information which of the available values are already selected/assigned/checked.
ClassData source configuration for a serialized List & Label data provider.
ClassRepresents a folder of report templates.
ClassRepresents an item within the repository of a report template (e.g. an image, a drilldown report, ...).
ClassRepresents a group of users.
ClassDefines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report every X weeks and the specified set of week days.
EnumerationRepresents the type of a data source, i.e. which kind of database system or data format it makes available for reports.
EnumerationMessageType enum to type a message
EnumerationThe control for a parameter
EnumerationThe SourceMode of a ReportDataParameter
EnumerationThe SourceType of a ReportDataParameter
EnumerationRepresents the report project types of the Report Server.
See Also