| Class | Description |
 | Choice | Represents a Choice of a ReportDataParameter with Choices |
 | CustomHTTPHeader | Represents a single HTTP-Header. |
 | DailyTrigger | Defines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report every X days. |
 | DataSource | Represents a data source on the server. |
 | DataSourceConfiguration | Abstract base class for a specific configuration class of a data source. |
 | DatasourceFolder | Represents a folder of data sources. |
 | ExportedFileLink | Represents a single file of a report on the server that can be downloaded. Depending on the export format, a report may have one or more files. Important: The report is stored on the server for a short time period, so you should download all files within some minutes after the export. |
 | ExportProfile | Represents an export profile that produces one or more files (e.g. PDF export). |
 | ExportProfileBase | Base class for the export profile types (file export + printing). |
 | ExportResult | Represents the result of an export on the server, i.e. the requested report. Please note that this object just contains the links to the report's files on the server. Important: The report is stored on the server for a short time period, so you should download all files within some minutes after the export. |
 | FolderBase<T> | The base class for all types of folder objects in the Report Server. |
 | HourlyTrigger | Defines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report every X hours. |
 | ImportRequest | Represents the request payload of an import. |
 | ImportResult | Represents the result of an successful import for the specific tables. |
 | ImportResultDetails | Represents the result of an successful import. |
 | Message | Represents a Message (Log or HealthInfo) with Title and Content |
 | MinuteByMinuteTrigger | Defines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report every X minutes. |
 | MonthlyDaysTrigger | Defines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report on certain days (1-31) of the specified months. |
 | MonthlyTriggerBase | Base class for a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report on certain days of the specified months. |
 | MonthlyWeeksAndWeekDaysTrigger | Defines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report on certain weeks of each month (1-4) and certain days of those weeks (Mo-Su). |
 | OneTimeTrigger | Defines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs a scheduled report once (at the date specified in the ReportTaskTimedTrigger.StartBoundary property). |
 | PreparedReport | Stores the data required to export or print a report template. |
 | PrintOnServerProfile | Represents an export profile that sends the report to a printer which is connected to the server. |
 | QuarterlyTrigger | Defines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report in the specified quarters of a year. |
 | ReportDataParameter | Represents a ReportParameter of a ReportTemplate |
 | ReportParameter | Represents a pre-defined value for a report parameter in a report task. |
 | ReportTask | Represents a scheduled report that can have various triggers or subsequent actions to process the report. |
 | ReportTaskAction | Represents the action of a report task that is executed after the report was created. |
 | ReportTaskEmailAction | Represents a ReportTaskAction that sends the report via email. |
 | ReportTaskFileCopyAction | Represents a ReportTaskAction that copies the report files to a directory in the network (UNC path). |
 | ReportTaskFtpUploadAction | Represents a ReportTaskAction that uploads the report via FTP. |
 | ReportTaskSharepointUploadAction | Represents a ReportTaskAction that uploads the report to a Microsoft SharePoint server. |
 | ReportTaskTimedTrigger | Represents a ReportTaskTrigger that is based on the calendar and time periods. |
 | ReportTaskTrigger | Base class for triggers of scheduled reports. See ReportTask. |
 | ReportTaskWebhookAction | Represents a ReportTaskAction that uploads the report to a Microsoft SharePoint server. |
 | ReportTemplate | Represents a report template that may be exported to get a report. Defined by a List & Label project and properties like the assigned user groups, data source, etc. |
 | RepositorySession | Represents an instance of a report template's repository. Note that all operations are not visible to other users until the the session is committed. |
 | SelectableItem<T> | A generic wrapper for list items which may be 'Selected' or not. Used for lists of available values that also contains the information which of the available values are already selected/assigned/checked. |
 | SerializedDataProviderConfiguration | Data source configuration for a serialized List & Label data provider. |
 | TemplateFolder | Represents a folder of report templates. |
 | TemplateRepositoryItem | Represents an item within the repository of a report template (e.g. an image, a drilldown report, ...). |
 | UserGroup | Represents a group of users. |
 | WeeklyTrigger | Defines a ReportTaskTimedTrigger that runs the scheduled report every X weeks and the specified set of week days. |