combit List & Label 30 - .NET Help
combit.Reporting.ReportServerIntegration Namespace / IntegrationTools Class / CreateDataSourceFromDataProvider Method
Name of the data source to create. For restrictions, see combit.ReportServer.ClientApi.Objects.DataSource.Name.
Data provider to upload.
Report server connection to use.

CreateDataSourceFromDataProvider Method
Creates a Report Server data source from a List & Label data provider (combit.Reporting.DataProviders.IDataProvider) instance. The data provider is serialized and uploaded to the server. Please note that not all data provides support this kind of serialization, and an interactive configuration on the server is not possible.
Public Shared Function CreateDataSourceFromDataProvider( _
   ByVal dataSourceName As String, _
   ByVal dataProvider As IDataProvider, _
   ByVal client As IReportServerClient _
) As Task(Of DataSource)


Name of the data source to create. For restrictions, see combit.ReportServer.ClientApi.Objects.DataSource.Name.
Data provider to upload.
Report server connection to use.

Platforms: Windows 10 (Version 21H2 - 23H2), Windows 11 (21H2 - 22H2), Windows Server 2016 - 2022
.NET: .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6, .NET 8, .NET 9

See Also