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combit.Reporting.AdhocDesign.SessionHandling Namespace / IAdhocDesignerSession Interface
Properties Methods

IAdhocDesignerSession Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IAdhocDesignerSession.

Public Properties
 PropertyGets the designer options for this session/client.  
 PropertyReturns the ad-hoc project type that is loaded or will be loaded in this Designer instance. See combit.Reporting.AdhocDesign.AdhocProjectType.  
 PropertyUnique ID of this session. The value must be a valid to be used as an URL segment.  
Public Methods
 MethodReturns true if the specified user is allowed to access this designer session.  
 MethodReturns information about the schema of the data source.  
 MethodReturns the ad-hoc job processor that handles operations which require a List & Label job.  
 MethodReturns the contents of the project file (regular project with embedded ad-hoc data or the ad-hoc data only). Returns null to trigger the initialization of a new project.  
 MethodReturns an existing directory path for storing the temporary files of this designer session. The directory should only be used for this particular session, i.e. it should be empty when the designer is opened and it should be deleted when this session is disposed. Usually this is the concatenation of of combit.Reporting.AdhocDesign.AdhocDesignerBaseConfiguration.BaseTempDirectory and this session's ID.  
 MethodSaves the project data to any location.  
See Also