Variables, Fields and Data Types

Variables and fields are the dynamic text blocks for reports and contain the dynamic part of the data. Variables usually change once per page or report – an example is the header data of an invoice with invoice number and addressee. Fields on the other hand usually change for every record; a typical example would be the item data of an invoice.

Within the Designer variables are always offered outside of the report container (the "table area”), fields only inside of it, and can only be used there. The separation serves mainly to help the end user. If he were to place a field in the "outside area”, the result would -- depending on the print order -- either be the content of the first or the last record.

Both identifier types (fields and variables) can be ordered hierarchically and are displayed in a folder structure in the Designer. The database table names are automatically added by the databinding so that all data from the "OrderData” table are displayed in a folder "OrderData”.

Custom data can also be ordered hierarchically by using a dot as a hierarchy separator (e.g. "AdditionalData.UserName”). How to add custom data can be found in the section Database Independent Contents.