Updating OCX Projects (e.g. Visual Basic)

Important: Note that ActiveX technology for OCX controls is now considered obsolete. Browsers generally no longer support the controls for security reasons, and most development environments no longer support ActiveX controls. We strongly recommend switching to a more up-to-date technology. The OCX controls in List & Label will be removed in one of the upcoming versions. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us at info@combit.com.

      Load the Visual-Basic project (*.vbp resp. *.mak) in a text editor. Replace the line


     with the following


     and the line

Module= CMLL28; CMLL28.BAS

     with the line

Module=CMLL29; CMLL29.BAS

      After saving your changes, load the form (*.frm) in a text editor, which contains the List & Label OCX. Replace the line


     with the following


      If you wish to convert older List & Label versions, change the corresponding entries analogously. If you use the UNICODE OCX control, you need to adapt the control GUID. The new GUID is {2213E283-16BC-101D-AFD4-040224009DFD}.

      You can now load your projects in Visual Basic. The source code must be significantly adapted according to the original version.

      From VB 5 the .BAS declaration file is not necessary, because the List & Label constants are contained in the OCX control.

      Please note that it is not possible to host differently versioned OCXes (e.g. version 28 and 29) within the same application.