
Many properties contain information on sizes, widths etc. These are - if transferred as fixed numbers - interpreted and returned as SCM units (1/1000 mm) and are therefore independent of the selected unit system. In order to place an object in a (fixed) position 5 mm from the left margin, you would use


INT nRet = LlDomSetProperty(hObj, _T("Position.Left"), _T("5000"));


If the property is to contain a formula rather than a fixed value, the function UnitFromSCM must be used, in order to be independent of the units. An inside margin with an indent of 10 mm on odd and 5 mm on even pages would be produced with


INT nRet = LlDomSetProperty(hObj, _T("Position.Left"), T("Cond(Odd(Page()),
       UnitFromSCM(10000), UnitFromSCM(5000))"));