Redistribution: Shipping the Application

The List & Label DLL and its modules can be installed under Windows for side-by-side use in your application.

The Redistribution Assistant is available for putting together the redistribution files. In just a few steps, you can put together all the files required for your application and copy them directly to the correct target directory, create a ZIP archive or copy the file paths for further batch processing. The Redistribution Assistant can be found in the "Miscellaneous" directory of your List & Label installation.

You can also find an overview of the files required for distribution in the file "Redist.txt" in the "Documentation" directory of your List & Label installation.

Important: Before redistributing your application, make sure to set your personal license key in all instances of the "ListLabel" object using LL_OPTIONSTR_LICENSINGINFO in order to avoid error messages from the redistributed application. VCL, OCX and .NET component offer a corresponding property "LicensingInfo" for this purpose.

The necessary information can be found in the file "PersonalLicense.txt" in the root directory of your List & Label installation. If more than one developer works on the project, any of the license information keys will do.

Note: In the trial version, it is not necessary to set the licensing key or an empty string can be used.