
The preview print contained in List & Label writes the preview data into a file. This file can be archived for later use, sent to another user who can look at it or print it without any loss of quality.

All data is stored in one file. Using the optional compression that you can switch on using


the file size can be reduced by up to 2/3. Compression slows down the print process but is convenient, for example, if you wish to present data on the Internet for download or preview using our OCX.

The file has the extension ".LL". We do not provide any information about its inner structure, and we recommend that you do no rely on any details you may find out! This is intentional, as we have our own API to access the data contained in it, so that there is no advantage for you in seeing inside the file. We wish to be free to change the format whenever necessary, without having conflicts with existing software.