
The export module collects all List & Label objects for the page currently being printed and places them in a large HTML table (the layout grid) corresponding to their physical position on the page. The sizes of the columns and rows in this table are a result of the X and Y coordinates of all objects.

The end user can choose an option from the HTML export settings to determine whether the column widths of the layout grid should be values expressed as percentage (based on the current window size of the browser) or absolute values (in pixels). The advantage of absolute positions is that the result of the export is a more precise representation of the original layout (in the Designer). Representation with percentage positions has the advantage that it is normally more easily printable than the other representations. This is due to the fact that the browsers can resize this kind of representation.

Because each different X and Y coordinate results in another column or row in the layout grid, you should pay attention to the design of your layout. Objects should generally be aligned with the same edges. This results in a less complex layout grid, which can be loaded more quickly by the browser.

The HTML 4.01 standard does not support overlapping objects. When you have objects, which overlap in the original layout, only the object with the lowest order (the object printed first) will be exported. The other overlapping objects will be ignored.
Exception: colored rectangle objects in the background. This effect is achieved by filling the cell (in the layout grid) of the next object over the rectangle.