The browser-plugin-based DesignerControl was replaced with the browser-independent Web Designer. The required adjustments can be found in chapter "Web Designer" of the Programmer's Manual.

      Changed default for MaximumRecursionDepth of ObjectDataProvider to 3 (before: 10)

      Changed default for FlattenStructure of ObjectDataProvider to true (before: false)

      The OracleConnectionDataProvider from combit.ListLabel20.DataProviders.Oracle (combit.ListLabel20.OracleConnectionDataProvider.dll) was integrated into combit.ListLabel21.DataProviders (combit.ListLabel21.dll) and replaces the old and obsolete OracleConnectionDataProvider that was depending on the unsupported OracleClient from System.Data.OracleClient. To use the new Oracle DataProvider, ODP.NET must be installed, the ADO.NET drivers Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client (recommended) and Oracle.DataAccess.Client are supported.

      AddTableEventArgs was renamed to DefineTableEventArgs.