The DesignerControl now disposes the assigned parent ListLabel instance after the page was rendered (incompabilities are possible if the ListLabel instance is not only used for rendering the DesignerControl).

      Project.Save() saves the project synchronously instead of asynchoronously as before to a possibly passed in stream, whereas Project.Close() will just release the ressources.

      DesignerFunctions.Add() now allows to pass IDesignerFunction instead of DesignerFunction.

      The deprecated Web Designer browser plugins and the related properties DesignerControl.PluginCompatibility and WebDesignerOptions.PluginCompatibility have been removed.

      The DesignerControl.Close event has been removed. The ListLabel instance passed in DesignerControl.ParentComponent gets disposed internally now.

      The Web Designer does not support Windows XP anymore.

      GetProjectType is no longer available as static method of LlCore, use the instance specific LlUtilsGetProjectType method of LlCore instead.