Web Designer: Removed the obsoleted properties WebDesignerOptions.DataSourceIDs, DesignerControl.DataSourceIDs and the event OnRequestDataProvider. The initially provided data source is stored by List & Label now, so you do not need to create any additional instances anymore after the WebDesigner control has been rendered. Usually you can simply remove all code related to that property/event.

      Web Designer: Removed the obsoleted properties WebDesignerOptions.Border, WebDesignerOptions.Height, WebDesignerOptions.Width and WebDesignerOptions.CssClass.

      Web Designer: Obsoleted the properties WebDesignerOptions.UseCDNType, WebDesignerOptions.DataTheme and DesignerControl.CDNType. These properties are ignored in version 23 and will be removed in a later version.

      Removed LegacyMongoDbDataProvider (was obsoleted in 22)

      DOM: fixed typo in property name 'ZAxis' of the PropertyChartEngineTreeMapClustered class (was 'ZAxes' before)

      The ListLabel object does not dispose the "base" set of ITable objects it retrieves from the data provider anymore, as this destroys caching scenarios. The IDataProvider implementor is now responsible to Dispose() any existing ITable instances in its own Dispose() method.

      The AdoDataProvider's schema row now contains true "null" values instead of an empty string. This also affects the behavior of the AutoDefineField/AutoDefineVariable event, as e.Value might be null now.

      The AdoDataProvider now checks if fields and variables are used at all in the layout and only passes the used ones at print time. This might change the behavior of e.g. the AutoDefineField event, as you will only get this event for used fields. If you need all fields, set the CheckUsedIdentifiers property to false.

      The option LL_OPTION_POSTPAINT_TABLESEPARATORS is the new default.

      The option LL_OPTION_PARTSHARINGFLAGS now defaults to 0xff.