The .NET Framework 4 now requires at least version 4.8.

      No more support for .NET Core 3.1 due to official end of support from Microsoft.

      MySqlConnectionDataProvider/MariaDBConnectionDataProvider: In previous versions, the views might have been included even if SupportedElementTypes did exclude them. Now, this is handled properly, leading to possible breaking changes if your project relied on the views being present. A fix is easy - simply include the DbConnectionElementTypes.View in the SupportedElementTypes.

      DOM: New monochrome display option for simple bar charts requires the adjustment that the "ColorMode" property in the supported bar charts (PropertyChartEngineBar2D, PropertyChartEngineBar3DClustered and PropertyChartEngineBar3DMultiRow) is changed from "string" to "PropertyColorModeChart" and has been extended by the subproperty "Color". If the setting Monochrome ("0") is set for "Mode", the color can be set with the subproperty "Color" (default: "LL.Scheme.ChartColor0").

      The assembly "combit.ListLabel29.SqlConnectionDataProvider.dll" now uses the "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient" NuGet package (only for .NET 6/8). The reason is that Microsoft implements new features (e.g. encryption) only in this package and no longer in the previously used "System.Data.SqlClient" package. It may be necessary to set in the used connection string the parameter "Encrypt" to "false", if the SQL Server does not use a valid SSL certificate - e.g. for testing purposes. You may need to add the reference to this package in your application. We strongly recommend that you test all data sources that use this provider for unchanged functionality.