
GotoFirst: Shows the first page

GotoPrev: Shows the previous page (if possible)

GotoNext: Shows the next page (if possible)

GotoLast: Shows the last page

ZoomTimes2: Zooms in with a factor of 2

ZoomRevert: Resets to the previous zoom state (the zoom states are on a stack, where ZoomRevert pops the last one off before resizing to that zoom state).

ZoomReset: Resets the zoom state to "fit to client window".

SetZoom ([in] long nPercentage) : Sets the zoom to the passed factor (1-30). Use the factor -100 for page width.

PrintPage ( [in] Long nPage, [in] Long hDC): Prints the page (nPage = If hDC is NULL, a printer dialog will be shown.

PrintCurrentPage ([in] Long hDC): Prints the current page. If hDC is NULL, a printer dialog will be shown.

PrintAllPages ([in] BOOL bShowPrintOptions): Prints all pages of the project. If bShowPrintOptions is TRUE, a printer dialog will be shown.

RefreshToolbar: Refreshes the toolbar

SendTo: Starts "Send"

SaveAs: Starts "Save As"

GetOptionString([in] BSTR sOption) BSTR: Returns mail settings. See the chapter on project parameters for more information. The available options are documented in chapter Send Export Results via E-Mail.

SetOptionString([in] BSTR sOption, [in] BSTR sValue) BSTR: Sets mail settings. See the chapter on project parameters for more information. The available options are documented in chapter Send Export Results via E-Mail. Additionally, the control supports the following options:

Print.NoProgressDlg: Can be used to suppress the progress dialog during printing.




The progress dialog is displayed during printing.


The progress dialog is suppressed.
