

HLLSTG LlStgsysStorageOpen (LPCTSTR lpszFilename, LPCTSTR pszTempPath, BOOL bReadOnly, BOOL bOneJobTranslation);


Opens a preview file


lpszFilename: The name of the project or preview (List & Label does not take account of the extension, as it will always be set to .LL)

pszTempPath: A temporary path (can be NULL or empty)

bReadOnly: TRUE: The file will be opened in read-only mode. FALSE: The file can be written to

bJobTranslation: TRUE: The Stgsys API takes account of multiple jobs and shows you all data as one job. FALSE: You can (and must!) manage multiple jobs yourself

Return value:

Job handle for all other LlStgsys functions, 0 means error


If you use a path for temporary data, this will be used as directory for the preview files, otherwise the path of the project file name will be used. This convention is compatible with the calls to LlPrint(<Project file>) and LlPreviewSetTempPath(<Temporary Path>).

Note that the functions LlStgsysAppend() and LlStgsysSetPageOptionString() need the file to be opened with bReadOnly = FALSE!

bJobTranslation = TRUE is convenient if you don't want to take account of multiple jobs. If you want to show your users whether the file contains multiple jobs, you need to set this to FALSE and manage a list of jobs with their properties.

See also:
