

INT LlPrintOptionsDialogTitle (HLLJOB hJob, HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpszTitle, LPCTSTR lpszText);


Calls a print option selection window and enables the user to select print-specific settings.


hJob: List & Label job handle

hWnd: Window handle of the calling program

lpszTitle: Dialog title

lpszText: Text to be passed in the dialog, e.g. 'Only 55 labels will be printed'

Return Value:

Error code


The following settings can be made:

Printer (or reference printer for export)

Export destination

Page number of the first page (if not hidden)

Number of copies required (if this has not been removed by LlPrintSetOption())

Starting position with LL_PROJECT_LABEL, LL_PROJECT_­CARD, if more than one label/file card per page exists

Print destination

Page range (print from ... to ...)

Default values can be defined with LlPrintSetOption(). This function must be called after LlPrintStart() / LlPrintWithBoxStart() but before calling LlPrint() for the first time.

The number of copies might have to be evaluated by the programmer as some printer drivers do not have the relevant function implemented. See programmer's hints in this manual.

The function LlPrinterSetup(...) allows you to call a print selection dialog without further settings.

See also:

LlPrinterSetup, LlPrintSetOption, LlPrintGetOption, LlPrintOptionsDialog