

INT LlPrintEnableObject(HLLJOB hJob, LPCTSTR lpszObject, BOOL bEnable);


Enables the object to be printed or disables it in order to tell List & Label to ignore it.


hJob: List & Label job handle

lpszObject: Object name, see below

bEnable: TRUE: Object can be printed; FALSE: Object should be ignored

Return Value:

Error code (important!)


The object name can be " (empty) to address all objects, otherwise it must be the object name (entered by the user) with the prefix ':'.

If the user is able to change objects and object names in the Designer, it is important to ask for the return value to test whether the object exists at all!

This function is particularly important for filling several independent tables. Before calling LlPrint(), all table objects must be enabled.


LlPrintEnableObject(hJob, "", TRUE);
LlPrintEnableObject(hJob, ":AuthorList", FALSE);

See also:

LlPrint, LlPrintFields