

INT LlJobStateRestore(HLLJOB hLlJob, _PISTREAM pStream,UINT nFlags, bool bPacked);


This API is used e.g. by the .NET DesignerControl to save the state of a job. Depending on the flags passed, the variables, fields and database structure are serialized to the stream.



hJob: List & Label job handle

pStream: Serialization stream. The stream format is proprietary and may change anytime without notice.

nFlags: Combination of LL_JOBSTATEFLAG_... values. They determine which values are written to the stream (variables, fields, chart fields, database structure, dictionaries, other job settings). To serialize all available information, use LL_JOBSTATEFLAG_ALL.

bPacked: Determines if the stream content should be packed.

Return Value:

See LlJobOpen().

See also:
