
Can be used to monitor a print job after it is passed to the spooler.


lParam contains an address of a struct of type scLlPrintJobInfo:

_nSize: Size of the structure

_hLlJob: Job handle of the job that started the print

_szDevice: Printer name

_dwJobID: Job ID (not the job ID of the printer but a global one created by List & Label)

_dwState: Combination of state flags (JOB_STATUS_-constants in WINSPOOL.H)


Please make sure to set LL_OPTION_NOPRINTJOBSUPERVISION to FALSE to enable this callback.

The detail depth depends on the print spooler.

The dwState flags are defined as follows:

#define JOB_STATUS_PAUSED        0x00000001
#define JOB_STATUS_ERROR         0x00000002
#define JOB_STATUS_DELETING     0x00000004
#define JOB_STATUS_SPOOLING    0x00000008
#define JOB_STATUS_PRINTING     0x00000010
#define JOB_STATUS_OFFLINE       0x00000020
#define JOB_STATUS_PAPEROUT    0x00000040
#define JOB_STATUS_PRINTED      0x00000080
#define JOB_STATUS_DELETED      0x00000100
#define JOB_STATUS_BLOCKED_DEVQ      0x00000200
#define JOB_STATUS_USER_INTERVENTION        0x00000400
#define JOB_STATUS_RESTART      0x00000800