

HLISTPOS LlEnumGetEntry(HLLJOB hJob, HLISTPOS hPos, LPSTR pszNameBuf, UINT nNameBufsize, LPSTR pszContBuf, UINT nContBufSize, _LPHANDLE pHandle, _LPINT pType);


Returns the name and contents of a variable or (chart) field.


hJob: List & Label job handle

hPos: The handle of the current field iterator

pszNameBuf, nNameBufsize: Buffer where the name should be stored

pszContBuf, nContBufSize: Buffer where the contents should be stored. pszContBuf can be NULL to ignore the contents string.

pHandle: Pointer to a handle where the handle value should be stored. Can be NULL to ignore the handle value. See LlDefineVariableExtHandle() and LlDefineFieldExtHandle().

pType: Pointer to an INT, in which the type (LL_TEXT, ...) will be stored. May be NULL to ignore the type.

Return Value:

Error code


During the LlEnum...() functions, a call to LlDefineVariableStart() or LlDefineFieldStart() is prohibited!

The iterator functions can be used to enumerate variables and/or fields and to get their names, contents and types.

See chapter Important Remarks on the Function Parameters of DLLs concerning the buffer return value.


The following example traverses the list of variables and prints all of them (LL_TYPEMASK is the constant for all possible variable types):

HLISTPOS hPos = LlEnumGetFirstVar(hJob, LL_TYPEMASK);
while (hPos != NULL)
   TCHAR szName[64+1];
   TCHAR szContents[256+1];
   LlEnumGetEntry(hJob, hPos, szName, sizeof(szName), szContents,
         sizeof(szContents), NULL, NULL);
   printf("%s - %s\n",szName,szContents);
   hPos = LlEnumGetNextEntry(hJob, hPos, LL_TYPEMASK);

See also:

LlEnumGetFirstVar, LlEnumGetFirstField, LlEnumGetFirstChartField, LlEnumGetNextEntry