
Allows you to set a property for the specified object. In order to allow the pagebreak for a text object, for example, you need

INT nRet = LlDomSetProperty(hObj, _T("AllowPageWrap"), _T("True"));


The transfer parameter for the value must be a valid List & Label formula. A special feature results for properties that contain character strings (e.g. the content of a text paragraph): character strings must be set in quotation marks within the Designer, to enable their use as a valid formula. Therefore, in order to transfer the fixed text "combit", the parameter "'combit'" must be used. This also applies for fixed font names, for example; once again, "'Verdana'" must be transferred, for example, not "Verdana".

Example code: LlDomSetProperty(hObj, _T("Contents"), _T("'") + sProjectTitle + _T("'"));

In order to set the values of nested properties, such as the color of a filling, the property name "<Parent property>.<Child property>" can be used, so for example

INT nRet = LlDomSetProperty(hObj, _T("Filling.Color"), _T("LL.Color.Black"));