

INT LlDomGetProperty(HLLDOMOBJ hDOMObj, LPCTSTR pszName, LPTSTR pszBuffer, UINT nBufSize);


Returns the content of the specified property. Detailed application examples can be found in chapter DOM Functions.


hDomObj: DOM handle for the object to be queried

pszName: Name of the desired property, e.g. "Condition", for requesting the appearance condition of an object.

pszBuffer: Buffer for the return value. Can be NULL (see notes)

nBufSize: Size of buffer

Return value:

Error code or required buffer size


If pszBuffer is NULL, the return value is the length of the required buffer (in TCHARS, so BYTEs for SBCS/MBCS and WCHARs for UNICODE) including the string termination.

See chapter Important Remarks on the Function Parameters of DLLs concerning the buffer return value.

See also:

Chapter DOM Functions