
Reads out the value of a property. It is advisable to determine the necessary buffer length first of all by transferring a NULL buffer, as usual, and then to allocate an adequately large buffer:


INT nBufSize = LlDomGetProperty(hObj, _T("AllowPageWrap"), NULL, 0);

TCHAR* pszBuffer = new TCHAR[nBufSize];

INT nRet = LlDomGetProperty(hObj, _T("AllowPageWrap"), pszBuffer, nBufSize);

delete[] pszBuffer;


For simplification, objects (but not lists!) can also be "tunneled through" using the full stop as hierarchy separator, as for example:


//US: Get the page coordinates for the first page

LlDomGetProperty(hRegion, _T("Paper.Extent.Horizontal"),
       pszContainerPositionWidth, nBufSize);