

INT LlDesignerAddAction(HLLJOB hJob, UINT nID, UINT nFlags, LPCTSTR pszMenuText, LPCTSTR pszMenuHierarchy, LPCTSTR pszTooltipText, UINT nIcon, LPVOID pvReserved);


Extends the Designer's menu and optionally the toolbar of the Designer. In contrast to using the callback LL_CMND_MODIFYMENU a command button with a selectable icon can be added to the toolbar here. This command must be called before LlDefineLayout().


hJob: List & Label Job-Handle

nID: Menu-ID for the new action to be added. This ID is passed by the callback LL_CMND_SELECTMENU, when the user selects the corresponding menu item or toolbar button. User defined IDs should be in the range between 10100 and 10999.

nFlags: Combination (ORed) of the following flags:




Add a command button to the toolbar in addition to the menu item.


The menu item is added behind the entry in pszMenuHierarchy.


The menu item is added in front of the entry pszMenuHierarchy.


As well as an optional Keycode as a Shortcut and a combination of the following flags as modifiers:




Keyboard shortcut is CTRL+Keycode.


Keyboard shortcut is SHIFT+Keycode.


Keyboard shortcut is ALT+Keycode.


Should always be set.


pszMenuText:Menu text without a keyboard shortcut (this will be added automatically). You can however, use the "&" symbol to allocate the shortcuts for menu navigation. Use "." as a hierarchy separator to create submenu items. For example, in order to create a Menu "Draft" with a sub-point "Invoices", use "Draft.Invoices" as a menu text.

pszMenuHierarchy:Menu hierarchy of the new menu item. The description is given in the form of "<Level>.<Level>…" whereby "Level" is always the 0-based index of the menu entry. For example, to insert a new entry in the first place in the "Edit" menu, use "1.0" and LLDESADDACTION_MENUITEM_INSERT.

pszTooltipText:Text for the tooltip on the toolbar command button. Will only be evaluated if the flag LLDESADDACTIONFLAG_ADD_TO_TOOLBAR is set. May be NULL.

nIcon: Icon-ID for the command button. Will only be evaluated if the flag LLDESADDACTIONFLAG_ADD_TO_TOOLBAR is set. Use the program IconSelector.exe (in the Tools directory) to see the list of available icons with their IDs.

pvReserved: For future extensions, must be NULL.

Return Value:

Error code


To execute the actual action, the LL_CMND_SELECTMENU-Callback has to be processed.

See also:
