
Asks the program for the interpretation of the contents of the function External$() in an expression.


While printing, when using an External$() function.


lParam is a pointer to an scLlExtFct structure:

_nSize: Size of the structure, sizeof(scLlExtFct)

_lpszContents: Parameter of the function External$()

_bEvaluate: TRUE if the contents are to be evaluated
FALSE if only a syntax-test is to be carried out.

_szNewValue: Array where the result is stored as a zero-terminated string. Default: empty

_bError: TRUE: error occurred. FALSE: no error occurred.
Default: FALSE

_szError: Array where a possible error definition can be stored, which can be requested later with LlExprError(). This text is also displayed to the user in the Designer during the automatic syntax check in case of an error.

Return Value (_lResult):

0 (always)


If, for example, the expression in a formula is

   Name + ", " + External$(Name + ", " + forename)

then the parameter is the evaluated result of the formula 'Name + ", " + forename', in this case for example 'Smith, George'.

Important: the return fields must be zero-terminated and may not exceed the maximum length (16385 characters incl. termination for the return value, 128 characters incl. zero-termination for the error string).