
There are limitations set by the target format. The most important are listed now.

      Rows that are anchored to each other are not correctly exported.

      Tabs and multiple sequential spaces are not supported.

      The option 'Line break' in text objects and table columns is always active in the export result.

      The option 'Separators fixed' in table objects is not supported.

      The table option "fixed size" is not supported.

      RTF text will be exported as pictures.

      Objects to be exported as picture should not overlap the object frame.

      Custom drawings in callbacks are not supported.

      Table frames of neighboring cells are not drawn so that they overlap each other, but discretely. This can double the frame width and needs to be taken into account during the design.

      TotalPages$() may not be used in rotated text objects.

      Even if the HTML object wraps over several pages, it will be exported in one stream, i.e. no page wrap will occur.

      Embedded scripting functionalities may be lost.

      Shadow Pages are not supported.

      A mix of different page formats is not supported. To achieve an export of e.g. portrait and landscape format, all pages of the same format can be each exported to a separate document.

      Issue print is not supported.

      Note that not all outputs can be converted 1:1 in the respective target format. Especially with more complex coordinate system transformations, partial transparencies and especially also with elements like EMFs, which are not generated by List & Label, wrong representations may occur. Here it may be necessary to export the respective elements as raster graphics or to activate the "Export as Picture" property for the respective object.