
Besides others, the following hints and limitations should be considered:

      Rows that are anchored to each other are not correctly exported.

      The max. color depth is 24 bit (PNG: 32bit).

      Shadows of rectangle objects are not supported.

      Tabs will be replaced by blanks.

      Objects should not be placed too close to the page borders. Some word processors create page breaks in such cases. This means that all following objects will then automatically be placed on the next page.

      The option 'Separators fixed' in the table object is not supported.

      The table option "Fixed size" is not supported

      Not all background patterns available in List & Label can be transformed to RTF. The number of patterns available in RTF is much smaller than that of the patterns available in List & Label.

      The chart and HTML object are exported as pictures and thus cannot appear transparently.

      Rotated RTF texts, plaintext and pictures are not supported.

      Frames around objects are not supported.

      Gradient fills are not supported.

      Objects that are exported as images must not protrude from their object frame. Therefore, for example, barcode objects with a fixed bar width must be designed in the Designer in such a way that the content always finds room in the object rectangle.

      Custom drawings in callbacks are not supported.

      TotalPages$() may not be used in rotated text objects.

      Paragraph spacing is not supported.

      Issue print is not supported.

      Shadow Pages are not supported.

      Nested tables are only supported one level (i.e. no subtable support) if they are not exported as picture (see Verbosity.NestedTable below).

      The wrapping option 'Minimum Size' in the crosstab object is not supported.

      Table cells in the crosstab object, that horizontally and vertically overlap multiple other cells cannot be exported exactly.

      Linked crosstabs are not supported.

      Frames around individual tables and background colors of individual tables are not supported.


Known specialities in general:

      Frames smaller than ½ pt will not be displayed correctly.

      Positon frames in Word are handled unusual, because length properties are interpreted incorrect by Word.

      Thin line objects may be not displayed because the corresponding bitmap gets an offset causing the line object to be out of the frame.

      Table frames might not always be displayed correctly.

      Distances between cells are not supported.

      Not all colors that can be used in List & Label are interpreted correctly by Word.

      When exporting large images at large resolutions, these images are sometimes not displayed by Word although they are referenced correctly in the RTF.

      We recommend to make any objects and table cells more generous in height and width, because RTF uses additional inner spacing in some areas, which are of course not visible in the Designer.