
Besides others, the following hints and limitations should be considered:

      Fonts are automatically recognized and dynamically embedded if necessary.

      Not all EMF records can be displayed accurately – if you are using complex EMFs, you should pass them as bitmaps or choose "export as picture" in the designer.

      Lines/Frames that are dashed/dotted in the layout may have a different spacing. In addition, each dash/dot is displayed as a single PDF record. To keep the resulting file size small, continuous lines/frames should be used for PDF export or the option "PDF.UseSimpleFrames" should be enabled.

      Note for PDF/A:

      When using form elements in combination with PDF/A, PDF/A conformity cannot be maintained and the form elements are deactivated.

      All fonts are always embedded.

      Encryption is not supported.

      Note that not all outputs can be converted 1:1 in the respective target format. Especially with more complex coordinate system transformations, partial transparencies and especially also with elements like EMFs, which are not generated by List & Label, wrong representations may occur. Here it may be necessary to export the respective elements as raster graphics or to activate the "Export as Picture" property for the respective object.

      For the "Checkbox" form element, the display of the "Set" state has no effect, the default (usually simple checkmark) of the PDF display program used is always used.