
There are also other limitations set by the target format. The most important are listed now.

      Rows that are anchored to each other are not correctly exported.

      Overlapping objects (except rectangles) are not supported.

      Rectangles cannot have any frames. Transparent rectangles will be ignored.

      Decimal tabs will be transformed to right-aligned tabs.

      Any other tabs will be transformed to a blank.

      'Paragraph spacing' and 'Line distance' in text objects are not supported.

      The option 'Line break' in text objects and table columns is always active in the export result.

      The option 'Separators fixed' in table objects is not supported.

      The left offset in the first column of a table line will be ignored.

      The list object option "fixed size" is not supported.

      The chart object is exported as a picture and thus cannot appear transparently.

      The transformation of RTF text to HTML code is carried out by an RTF parser. This parser interprets the basic RTF formatting. Extended RTF functionality such as embedded objects will be ignored.

      Spacing before table lines is not supported.

      Horizontal and vertical lines are exported as images; all other lines are ignored.

      Gradient fills are not supported.

      Rotated text (RTF and plaintext) is not supported.

      Custom drawings in callbacks are not supported.

      Objects to be exported as picture should not overlap the object frame.

      Table frames of neighboring cells are not drawn so that they overlap each other, but discretely. This can double the frame width and needs to be taken into account during the design.

      Offset of table lines is not supported.

      TotalPages$() may not be used in rotated text objects.

      Shadow Pages are not supported.

      The wrapping option 'Minimum Size' in the crosstab object is not supported.

      The property "Link" is not supported.

The following tags or attributes superseding HTML 4.01 standard will be used:

      Ending the page frame for HTML pages will use browser specific tags.

      Setting line color for the table grid (<table BORDER­COLOR="#ff0000">) is browser specific.

      Setting line color for horizontal table lines (<hr COLOR="#ff0000">) is browser specific.

If the HTML object is not exported as picture but as HTML text, the part of the stream between the <body> and </body> tags will be embedded. This by definition leads to the following limitations:

      Cascading Style Sheets are not completely supported.

      Page formatting such as background color, margins etc. is lost.

      HTML does not allow scaling. The exported result may thus differ from the layout in the Designer, especially when the HTML object contains the contents of a whole web site.

      Even if the HTML object wraps over several pages, it will be exported in one stream, i.e. no page wrap will occur.

      Embedded scripting functionalities may be lost.

      Issue print is not supported.